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Compact Hub / Mall "Build everything" 1.0 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:04 pm
by Tekillaa
Hi Factorio lovers and Pasta box Fan

thanks to some old blue print from streamers/youtubers (Kos and Nilaus), I have made a Compact Hub, let me know what you think about it :)

My choices are:
1) i want an evolve-able mall from mid game into the late game for mega base (raw mats from a main bus with conveyor belt, uranium exception, i dont want to use logistic for material, only for me and the war with bitters:D) and because belts are the game core.
2) compact, because lazy as i am, i dont want to run a marathon to make my shoppin and bots are faster too grab my stuff.
3) There is space left "behind" to build more assembling machines if i need it.
4) its no design for a starter base but the step just after (Starter suggestion in the BP book,read edit)
5) i'm not only fan of Pasta box, i also love pizza (don't need to read edit for that)
6) the assembling machines order for chests is irrelevant

TeKillA Hub/Mall BP Book MK2 :
Mall B1.jpg
Mall B1.jpg (646.01 KiB) Viewed 147992 times

A) Shopping Mall

1)Red Version, No logistic/chest limitation
Step 1
2) Logistic Red Version
step 2
3) End game Version
last step

B) Ammo

All ammo shop stages

C) Bots (and vehicles)

First bot processing
bot processing with module
Tekilla motors industries

D) Module maker

Into megabase
I always build my mall and all additionnal parts together, near from a big train station for "player access" with multiple stations and near from a lake for oil processing (build near from the mall too) and concrete (depends where is your iron ore/stone)

Cars On Belt MegaFactory :

Special Thanks : KoS (initial concept design and tutorials) and Nilaus (tuto again, he makes the game very enjoyable like the previous ,i hope you watch some of their videos), their respective discord community (good ppl on da place!), Soelless Gaming(Poober).

I hope you enjoy watch this working, bye

PS : Try to build this "Mall" is for me part of the game, i share a way to do things to make it easier, comprehensive, but i can only recommend to build your own to fully enjoy Factorio, because this Mall is just "one" way to do things, i wish to see more style, more impressive way to do things. Ty to the staff for this awesome game

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 belted mid game

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:17 pm
by Serenity
Unless I'm missing something the green circuit wire doesn't have an output box

Tip: you can use buffer chests to recycle items like the belts. That prevents the loops you get if you use provider and requester chests

Something else I do for my malls:
For each half connect all the output boxes together with red circuit wire and connect it to an an arithmetic combinator. Do Each * -1, output Each. Place a couple of constant combinators at the start and set your desired amounts for items. Use green wire to connect them to the output of the combinator. Then run the green wire to all output inserters and set them to be enabled if the item is > 0

So for example if you have 200 yellow belts and want 300. You get -200 + 300 = 100. Output is enabled. If you have 400 belts you get -400 + 300 = -100

Now you can set the amount of items comfortably in a central location and don't have to manually block boxes. Which also works nicely with the buffer chest recycling.

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 belted mid game

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:18 am
by Tekillaa
Ty for your answer, yes it needs an out box for green wire and a long arm for refinery(stone), and im aware for simple system to manage the belt (and underground) i need, mostly for tier transition, my next step is to centralize oh many of each item i need in each box and save some early needs , and give order like you mention (mostly for nuke plant), i will try your option and make it works, i want simple solution for simple needs most of the time :)

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 belted mid game

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:33 am
by Hottemax
The blueprint string does not work for me, unfortunately?!

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 belted mid game

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:36 am
by Tekillaa
Hi, i gonna check that, refresh de BP string if needed

-> i have refresh the content of the BP link, enjoy

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 belted mid game

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:49 am
by Hottemax
Tekillaa wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:36 am Hi, i gonna check that, refresh de BP string if needed

-> i have refresh the content of the BP link, enjoy
I'm not quite sure what you mean, it still doesn't work if I use the "Copy Blueprint string" link. There are 2 superfluous equal signs at the beginning of the string that gets copied to clipboard which cause direct import to fail; after removing them manually I was able to import the BP ...

Thanks for the blueprint!

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 belted mid game

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:55 am
by Tekillaa
My bad, sorry, i'm kinda new here, i dont know how to use perfectly the forum, i tried to make it right , equal sign comes from here =>
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=29493, and thank you to let me know :)

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 belted mid game

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:32 pm
by Hottemax
No worries, and thanks again - great mall design, love the BP, works like a charm!

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:54 pm
by Bauer
I use a sushi belt design.
Belts, inserters, pipes, engines, rails, bots, concrete, landfill, solar, modules are extra.
Sushi mall.jpg
Sushi mall.jpg (163.96 KiB) Viewed 193178 times

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 10:45 am
by Tekillaa
Nice sushi design! Thank you to let people different (nice and neat) choice on the thread :) that what i was meaning in my PS.

With sushi design you make me think about Kitsh, he got a good mall with chest on a road side.

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:43 pm
by astroshak
Nice malls...

Tekillaa, one of the AM3’s in your “Personal Stuff” portion has no recipe set. Its the one to the left of the Personal Shields 2.

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:35 am
by Tekillaa

My idea was to process the fusion core for the power armor on that factory (in order to make different power armor with different setup), but i was lookin for a better positionning maybe (actually its good for me)
I'm gonna make a clean military/ammo section like the bot or module part and stop to make ammo in the mall with all the buildings/other stuff.

I'm about to make an update/clean of the post but I'm just taking time to make a clip about another project at the moment.

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 8:24 pm
by esmea
I've been playing around with your mall, Tekillaa… great job on the design! I have noticed, though, that I've grown a bit comfortable with KoS's latest designs where the inputs are not strict on which sides have what materials (through use of recursive filtered splitters). I took some time and adapted one of your mall designs to this (as a proof-of-concept), but I'm curious if there might have been some reasoning for it to have been the way it was.

Also, as far as future updates to it, I wonder if you might consider including a means to accommodate this idea of ambiguous inputs.

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 2:51 am
by Tekillaa
esmea wrote: Tue May 14, 2019 8:24 pm I've been playing around with your mall, Tekillaa… great job on the design! I have noticed, though, that I've grown a bit comfortable with KoS's latest designs where the inputs are not strict on which sides have what materials (through use of recursive filtered splitters). I took some time and adapted one of your mall designs to this (as a proof-of-concept), but I'm curious if there might have been some reasoning for it to have been the way it was.

Also, as far as future updates to it, I wonder if you might consider including a means to accommodate this idea of ambiguous inputs.
Thank you for your return : this is exactly the kind i was waiting for, so i'll go take a look into it to remove this necessity of taking care of the belt side input.

It's that way because that mall is my first post/creation, so i don't got all good idea and making belt trick like the old fashion way was fun to me but not only. When i was trying to handle that before the final shape of the mall, it was harder to find the space for 2 splitter (1normal for the main line and 1 filter to make the separation) each time i need to pull a mats on a side so i decided to stick to a configuration where pulling require just a splitter and a underground in or out : it requires less space for the same result instead of 2 splitter. A friend of mine have made the mistake about it (input sides) on that mall just few days ago, i'll do my best to remove that requirement for the mall setting or if its not possible(sometimes it can be more tricky than the first thought), make it easier. I'll try to make as fast as i can, you can see after i got like a game planning and one project keep focusing all my attention x)

And again, thank you for the return. It's my only way to improve what i do and share to people.
game planning

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 9:48 pm
by esmea
Tekillaa wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 2:51 am ... it was harder to find the space for 2 splitter (1normal for the main line and 1 filter to make the separation) each time i need to pull a mats on a side so i decided to stick to a configuration where pulling require just a splitter and a underground in or out : it requires less space for the same result instead of 2 splitter. ...
While writing my previous post, I had considered posting some example images of what I had done to get it working on my proof-of-concept - but then realized that the images weren't of 'wrong input sides', so it wouldn't have really shown that it works; also because I felt it might be presumptuous. I was also curious to see what your own take on a solution would be.

Perhaps now would be the time to capture and post images...
Ambiguous Input fixes
I hope these prove to be helpful.

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:39 am
by Tekillaa
esmea wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 9:48 pm
Tekillaa wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 2:51 am ... it was harder to find the space for 2 splitter (1normal for the main line and 1 filter to make the separation) each time i need to pull a mats on a side so i decided to stick to a configuration where pulling require just a splitter and a underground in or out : it requires less space for the same result instead of 2 splitter. ...
While writing my previous post, I had considered posting some example images of what I had done to get it working on my proof-of-concept - but then realized that the images weren't of 'wrong input sides', so it wouldn't have really shown that it works; also because I felt it might be presumptuous. I was also curious to see what your own take on a solution would be. ...

The stack inserter need red circuit, i have made a big update of my post with the "belt side input" which doesn't matter anymore in all my BP..thank you for showing me your solutions.


Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:02 am
by gghf
Hey, I really like your mall. I was wondering, why do you use buffer chests instead of storage chests? In either case, you have to use filters in the chest itself for the item (1 filter slot available for storage chests), and storage chests are available much earlier. Also, you don't need to actually enter any number for the filter slot, so you're not restricted by the number of items coming back in to be recycled. Your character gets fed from storage chests too, so there is no functional difference for you personally. Buffer chests just allow you to filter for multiple items, not just one.

I did just think of one situation where buffer chests might be preferable: If you need to get rid of all your inventory, dumping it all into storage chests would be the fastest solution, compared to having everything carried away by logistics bots piece by piece.
The buffer chests in the mall would then once again slowly free up those storage chests, provided the buffer chests still have their requests unmet. That effect would make buffer chests in the mall preferable to storage chests, but only if you actually care whether these external storage chests for emptying bags actually get recycled fast. And also, only if you have unlocked buffer chests. Therefore your red logistics mall should be switched over to storage chests from buffer chests, as those wouldn't be unlocked until later in the game.

Another step you might wish to take, is to wire up all chests and all inserters unloading into those chests, hook them up to arithmetic combinators that compare your demand (set with constant combinators) and tell the inserters to load the chests only if the logistic network content for that item does not meet the set demand. I can post a picture to explain this, or you could check out this minimall by Dimava. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me.

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 10:03 pm
by Tekillaa

I play with buffer chest because i use a lot connecting and disconnecting logistic network when i build a base, i prefer the way item are requested to make this kind of action, it's clearly a matter of taste and gamestyle. I just prefer the fact that item are requested, when i set up the blue print, every item go where it supposed to be in case there is a bit of mess before :) I will make a version with yellow chest (and maybe wires) when the stable 0.17 will be released.
For the wires, again a matter of taste, i don't like wires mostly because i dont "really" need it in the mall. I prefer to share a simple version without too many things/details to let new people just a "basic" build without combinators, i prefer let people add wires by themselves, like the idea of customization.
I want to keep it basic and simple, but i will look into the best way to do a clear mall circuitry with friends to make a version with wires and possibility to use (a unique?) signal for all item.

I hope i have answered to your questions, i will make a new BP book for the stable 0.17 with those suggestions and thank you for the feedback. Have Fun!
Factorio is awesome!

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:37 am
by LazyLoneLion
I hate it when images are not available...

Re: Compact Mall "Build everything" 0.17 all stage (Belt)

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:54 pm
by Tekillaa
Thank you for noticing! Pictures are re-available.