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Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:33 pm
by kovarex
So the first proper bugfix release for 0.11 is here.

Please note, that we didn't fix all the reported bugs, but we just tried to solve the most game braking ones.
The mac update package is not available until tomorrow.
  • Features:
    • Mods that don't affect game state are not needed to be synchronised when playing multiplayer game or replaying game. This mainly solves the problem of multiplayer games where some of the people had scenario pack mod and some hadn't.
  • Graphics
    • New graphics of construction and logistic robots.
  • Bugfixes
    • Reenabled the windows xp support.
    • Fixed various buildability collisions problems.
    • Fixed crashes when using walls in blueprints.
    • Fixed crash when previewing gates on rails in blueprint.
    • Fixed problems when rotating blueprint with walls or rotating already built wall.
    • Fixed that the new hope campaign wasn't working.
    • Fixed that the "can't build sound" of all players was always played to the first player.
    • Fixed that the capsule range visualisation was drawn for all players.
    • Fixed the wrong localisation of No path message of train.
    • Fixed the script error when finishing FirstSteps/New hope campaigns.
    • Fixed crashes when someone uses nmap on a computer running MP game.
    • Fixed multiplayer 3 player "recurring dropping" problem ( ... php?t=6414).
    • Shift + space pause is switched off when typing in console.
    • Shift + space pause is switched off in the multiplayer.
    • Fix that childrennames-method only returns a single name instead of all
    • Starting equipment in freeplay is given to all the new players.
    • Fixed that the Allows+Requires+Cost was not wrapped as the effects list in the technology preview window.
    • Fixed that single item got stuck in underground belt until second item entered it.
    • Save settings when game automatically sets bitmap-caching because of VRAM shortage.
      ( ... f=7&t=6467)
    • Fixed crash when crafting weapon / ammo in the vehicle ( ... f=7&t=6296).
    • Fixed that modules couldn't be used in electric furnace ( ... f=7&t=6337).
    • Fixed crashes in multiplayer freeplay after building rocket defense.
    • Fixed train movement problems - both desync and the "Ok, so we didn't make the train movement right" errors.
    • Fixed that ghosts of turrets were not removed when turret was built over.
    • Attempted to fix the "receiveMovementImpulse ended up with unreasonable position" car and tank error.
    • Unified the Floating point model on all windows distributions. That might solve the 32bit/64bit desync issues.
    • Fixed bug with double-clicking in assembler gui during autosaving ( ... f=7&t=6515).
    • Fixed bug with burner inserter grabbing coal even when setup with full stack ( ... php?t=5856).
    • Fixed that the command /c game.regeneratetiles could crash easily, because it didn't take the parallel map generation into account.
    • Fixed train description speed units and locale.
    • In multiplayer game anyone can unpause the game (not just the one who paused it).
    • Walls and gates are fast replacable.
    • In Multiplayer, research progress gui (in the top right) blinks once research has completed.
      There is no technology window popup anymore. This is optional behavior in single player as well.
    • Fixed bug that SP game wouldn't have commands allowed after loaded from MP game.
    • MapEditor doesn't allow to place and edit character anymore. Instead a spawn point (red flag) can be put on map.
  • Scripting
    • Fixed that the onrobotbuiltentity was not working at all.
    • Fixed that events giving player index were crashing in the sandbox mode.
      (onpickedupitem, onbuiltentity, onplayermineditem, onpreplayermineditem, onplayercreateditem, onplayerrotatedetity)
    • Fixed crashes when modifying style of gui of player that has no view (always in multiplayer).
    • LuaPlayer::name (read) now contains the player name.
    • Replaced removeofflineplayer with removeofflineplayers. It takes a lua table of player indexed to remove. If no arguments are provided it removes all the players.
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:48 pm
by PalllaX
g6vu4qf.gif (1016.81 KiB) Viewed 34687 times

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:53 pm
by Davkilla101
This came like 15 minutes after I downloaded the 0.11.1 update lol. Thank you for the update!

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:58 pm
by Phillip_Lynx
Great, thanks.

Now to the great modders :) ... fix the erros with your Mods when you have done new Robots :D

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:09 pm
by Turtle
kovarex wrote:
  • In Multiplayer, research progress gui (in the top right) blinks once research has completed.
    There is no technology window popup anymore. This is optional behavior in single player as well.
Best update ever!! lol :lol:

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:09 pm
by _aD
Hot diggity, what a list! Thanks for your unrelenting bug-killing sessions and the detailed change logs. Now all I need to do is find six hours to get a good game in :-)

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:26 pm
by Eurofighter1200
Nice now i have to try out this new update :)

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:28 pm
by Splitframe
We loaded our normal 0.11.1 save and need a few dozen tries to connect,
sometimes the host factorio just crashes to desktop and if one manages to connect
we get a desync loop.

Oh and sometimes the host just gets random freezes without anyone connected or trying to connect.

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:42 pm
by Sting_Auer
Excellent work, developers :). You are all doing a great job with the game and keeping on top of bugs.

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:29 pm
by JLBShecky
Really nice set of bug fixes there.

Me thinks though that including the tests directory in the Win x64 zip build may be a bit of a goof though.

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:10 pm
by tecxx
another factorio multiplayer weekend ahead :)

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:41 pm
by undeadnightorc
Most of Dytech seems to load up and run fine. I was getting an error when trying to load up the Logistic Module (the one that contains the robots). Removing it from the mod directory fixed the problem.

Other mods that appear to work so far: Bob's Ores and Resource Spawner Overhaul.

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:56 am
by Artman40
Any plans for doing something about damaged structures cluttering the inventory? Something auto-repair like?

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:14 am
by Xterminator
Great update, love all the bug fixes, and the change with research window not popping up. Great job guys as always! :D

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:15 am
by ADoby
I got the DyTech mods and TreeFarm to load just fine, but it creates infinite loop of desyncs when loading a map full with those machines.
This does not happen on a new map.
Can we upload our desync logs somewhere ?

Or can we debug them by our self ?

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:39 am
by chainedlupine
Wow, nice update! Thanks for hammering that out so fast.

All the little crash/desync issues I've found have been addressed.

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:19 am
by chainedlupine
Errr, I spoke too soon. I'm having crash and de-sync issues. Trying to nail down why...

Update: Can't really nail it down. I think our latency was set too low? We had a massive biter attack and the game consistently crashed when they rushed our walls. We tried a few times, crash every time (log had nothing to report), then I bumped the latency up about 50ms to see if that made a different. The next time the wave spawned, no crash.

We also found another issue where if you spawn a lot of construction robots and logistics bots via dropping them in the world the game would get caught in a desync loop. (Around 17 or so bots.) We tried to re-create it later but we couldn't get it to happen again.

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:04 am
by bobingabout
Oh GOD, oh crap, oh darn... phooey..

I've just spent like, 2 or 3 weeks working on my Logistics mod, spending most of that time working on new Roboports and Logistic/construction robots etc.

And now you do this to me.

I have 19 new Roboport entities, that's going to take quite some time to update the graphics with split doors(7 of them have doors), and base patchs.

The worst part isn't the code, its the graphics, I'm going to have to try and remember my recolour combinations to make it look right.

And those drones, they look so sweet, but they make mine obsolete, I was really starting to love my Construction robot MK4 graphics too.

Maybe I can recycle those images for new combat robots... untill you release new combat robot graphics too anyway.

I know what I'm doing this weekend.

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:06 am
by BurnHard
The icons still have the old graphics ;) But the new robots look sweeeet

Re: Version 0.11.2

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:12 am
by Cre8torzn
Awesome! look forward to this weekend.. :-)