[0.17] New Tutorial Scenario Feedback
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:26 pm
Some thoughts I had while playing the new tutorial scenario, hope this helps:
- This initial introduction to the controls should include zooming in and out.
- The "put a NEW mining drill into compilatron chest", and "put a NEW stone furnace into compliatron chest" still completes if you put the two the player has already created earlier in the tutorial into the chest. Unsure if this is intentional because I assume you want the player to reinforce what they've just learned by practicing it again without guidance.
- How to get transport belts/iron plates is never explained, might be confusing.
- The "feed iron plates into feeder" may be confusing, especially when you hover over the grey arrows it's called a loader and there's no further help from compliatron. At this point the player will be unfamiliar with inserts and may think that they are "feeders". The second time the player must do this step, however, when the feeder is requesting copper and iron gears, compliatron does it explain where the items must be fed.
- At this stage it's never explained how to drop items from the chest onto a conveyor, and without powering multiple burner drills, all iron plates go into the crate instead of the final furnace and onto the belt. This could leave the player with lots of items stuck in their inventory which could be used to complete the obj if they knew how to drop them on the conveyor. This is the same later with gears: pick up the gears to make burner inserters, but perhaps so many that there's not enough to complete the obj and the player has to keep refilling the miners/furnaces.
- Copper ore is never shown by compilatron, player might be unable to identify it. Maybe introduce this to the player by explaining they can hover over things to get a description of what it is etc.
- Items going into the loader after one part of the objective is completed disappear, this makes it more difficult for players to complete the copper obj as the gears+iron they need for belts will keep disappearing unless they recognize this and change the layout. Or by deconstructing the iron setup and rebuilding it over the copper.
- Right clicking to split stacks of items in half should've been explained by now to help w/ coal distribution between inserts/drills/furnaces.
- At this point my production line looks like this: Maybe make the iron section indestructible until the laboratory section to prevent this.
- Getting players to switch between the circuit recipe and the copper wire recipe with only one assembler maybe confusing without explanation. And green circuits will probably crafted by manually switching between the two recipes rather than automated w/ two assemblers.
- IMO the most natural way to read this is top to bottom: the top task must be completed to be able to do the next one in the list etc.
- At this point the absence of a hot-bar is starting to feel unnatural.
- "Collect some of your equipment" I read, how I imagine most people did,"pick up everything" xD
- Encouraging players research everything except inserts+electric mining seems strange.
- THE HOTBAR HAS APPEARED, and with no explanation?
- No ctrl+right click copy recipes until now, I'm guessing this is intentional
- Finished after 3 hours. Waves could've been even stronger imo.
Overall, however, this seems much more engaging then the original tutorial, good job!