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Add support for back_patch, front_patch to loader entity (from underground belt)
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 5:53 am
by kirazy
The underground belt in 0.17 has a front_patch and back_patch property that helps with the layering around items and other structures.
I'd like to request this property be applied to the loader as well, so that I can make 0.17-vanilla-style sprites as well. Currently it's not possible. :[
Add underground belt back_patch & front_patch support to loaders
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:26 pm
by Deadlock989
With 0.17 and the graphics reworking, underground belts got a new back_patch and front_patch component definition in the sprite structure:
Code: Select all
["underground-belt"] = {
["express-underground-belt"] = {
structure = {
back_patch = {
direction_in = {
This lets you simulate the appearance of a 3D structure to the underground, letting a piece of the structure get drawn
behind the belt feeding into the underground.
Loaders followed the same sprite structure before 0.17, and they are similar to undergrounds in many other ways (belts feeding in and out, rotatable between in/out belt direction instead of turning around, same sprite definitions etc.). However in tests with a new model for loaders, it seems the back_patch component of the sprite structure is ignored - see pic below.
Could these be added to loaders as well please? Many thanks.
Re: Add underground belt back_patch & front_patch support to loaders
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:11 pm
by Boodals
This has already been requested:
Edit by Bilka: Merged with the above topic
Add "back_patch", "front_patch" structure properties to Loader prototype (from Underground Belt prototype)
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:03 am
by kirazy
underground belt prototype has optional structure properties "back_patch" and "front_patch".
I request that these two optional properties be added to the loader prototype as well, so that we can replicate the graphical style properly with the new belts.
Currently without these properties the texture sits on top of the belt (and items on the belt!) graphics when using the vanilla textures.
Any hope of this? :C
Re: Add "back_patch", "front_patch" structure properties to Loader prototype (from Underground Belt prototype)
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:18 am
by Deadlock989
I asked about this before and was told it won't be sorted out until they know what to do with the vanilla loaders in the campaign.
Re: Add "back_patch", "front_patch" structure properties to Loader prototype (from Underground Belt prototype)
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:21 am
by kirazy
Hm. Interesting. Thanks for the info, though!
Re: Add "back_patch", "front_patch" structure properties to Loader prototype (from Underground Belt prototype)
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:27 am
by Deadlock989
Just in case it looked like I was saying otherwise - this request gets a massive +1 from me. Functionally, loaders are very similar to undergrounds and it makes complete sense that they'd have the same sprite structure.
Re: Add support for back_patch, front_patch to loader entity (from underground belt)
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:37 am
by Bilka
Hey, I merged 3 different topics that asked for this. Please don't make new topics when there are already existing topics asking for exactly the same thing. It makes it harder for us to keep an overview of who wants what and why. Thank you.
Re: Add support for back_patch, front_patch to loader entity (from underground belt)
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:33 pm
by raiguard
Is there a chance of this happening now? It seems that using loaders in the campaign has been scrapped.
My "Infinity Loader" entity uses an underground belt because it has
front_patch and
back_patch support. If loaders supported this, then I could use that instead and avoid a bunch of issues relating to using underground belts with a connection distance of zero (since this entity spawns its own items, it doesn't connect to another underground belt).
- 2019-08-06 11_32_11-Window.png (165.52 KiB) Viewed 4427 times
Re: Add support for back_patch, front_patch to loader entity (from underground belt)
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 11:58 am
by Bilka
Staplergun added this in 0.17.65.