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Some Factorio Suggestions from a Loving Fan

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:59 pm
by zhonbi
Factorio Suggestions:
  • Landfill is way too expensive; could be 8 or 10 stone, or if productivity modules were involved (outside of furnaces)
    Having a well that allows the place access to water on demand, but biters could still walk over or destroy so you can’t just make a big moat.
    Module 3 technologies are too cheap for how spendy the modules are. If the techs were 2k science, players would say “oh, this is late game stuff, better wait”. On that note, these techs are weird to require for rocket silo tech. It’s not related or necessary.
    Peaceful mode should mean biter bases are turned off. Right now it’s only peaceful until I need to expand, or get the stuff they’re sitting on (greedy bastards).
    I never use: landmines, flame turrets, flame thrower, shotgun, combat bots, capsules. Laser turrets are a fixed resource cost (assuming they don’t die), where all other combat methods require variable resources the more you fight. If lasers were worse, or if they cost resources (not just power) over time, I’d consider other combat options.
    Quick start option, like starting with 50 wood/coal and a few more miners. The beginning feels tedious after doing it many times.
    Relatedly, wood chopping is boring. If poles cost 1 wood it’d be less chopping overall. Right now wood chopping is just a minigame i have to play before playing “Factorio”.
    The default biters are just too much at max distance: too many bases and too large when you get farther from spawn. I know you can tone it down, but on default it takes hours to clear if you don’t have several nukes. (I make an enormous perimeter, then clears all the biters in it, so obviously I’m gonna get more tired of this).
    The rocket silo is weird looking: it’s a giant complicated sprite and I feel like the game made it for me, rather than it being something I made. It’d be cool if the silo was actually several buildings: e.g. a fuel loader, part constructor, control tower, and the actual silo column. Those buildings could be linked to their new individual technologies, and require their respective resource to make a rocket part.
    Oil is a huge step in time and complexity: gotta find oil, make a train, make pumpjacks, make refineries & storage tanks, make chemical plants, link resources, make room for all this stuff, and then *finally* i can make blue science. Just wish the process was more gradually rewarding.
    Oil patches like 1000% or lower feel pretty useless, especially early game. When you have beacons they’re ok, but until they that’s only 5 refineries’ worth.
    More music! The score is awesome, I love it. Just wish there was more.
    Rain or other weathers would give more life to the world, even if there’s no gameplay effect. I know that’s not this game’s focus, but I’d like to feel more immersed.
    There’s no reason to explore (again, not the game’s focus), but it might be a fun addition. Maybe have ancient ruins, or special terrain like a mountain or alien forest. Could have an achievement tied to finding “a rare occurrence”. Could also have a rare item like titanium, or ancient artifact, just for showcasing.

Re: Some Factorio Suggestions from a Loving Fan

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:36 pm
by Ranakastrasz
You screwed the list up
zhonbi wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:59 pm Factorio Suggestions:

Landfill is way too expensive; could be 8 or 10 stone, or if productivity modules were involved (outside of furnaces)
Yep. The original mod was like 25% as expensive. But on the other hand, even as expensive as it is, you can just pave entire oceans. It being expensive makes you treat water as an obstacle for longer.
Having a well that allows the place access to water on demand, but biters could still walk over or destroy so you can’t just make a big moat.
Maybe. Given the new maps will have more flexable water in 0.17, and also the methods for transporting water over long distances, I am not sure if this is needed. Long pipeline with pumps to keep max flow rate, or else tanker cars. But yes, I have wanted this in the past.
Module 3 technologies are too cheap for how spendy the modules are. If the techs were 2k science, players would say “oh, this is late game stuff, better wait”. On that note, these techs are weird to require for rocket silo tech. It’s not related or necessary.
I absolutely agree.
Peaceful mode should mean biter bases are turned off. Right now it’s only peaceful until I need to expand, or get the stuff they’re sitting on (greedy bastards).
I sort of agree, but there is already a way to do this. Its honestly more of a halfway point between "Biters disabled" in map generation and "Normal mode". Biters exist, but they don't attack unless you provoke them.
It might also be legacy from when Alien artifacts existed and were mandatory.
I never use: landmines, flame turrets, flame thrower, shotgun, combat bots, capsules. Laser turrets are a fixed resource cost (assuming they don’t die), where all other combat methods require variable resources the more you fight. If lasers were worse, or if they cost resources (not just power) over time, I’d consider other combat options.
Yep. Flamethrowers and flame turrets are currently ridiculously overpowered, and laser turrets only require constant power upkeep. (Solar panels can negate that pretty easily though, 10 turrets per panel unless it changed)
Shotgun used to be a powerful weapon, but power creep and balance changes made it mostly useless. Slowdown and poison capsules are great, as are grenades, but only if you don't turret creep or w.e. Landmines are interesting, but laser turrets basically win for defense due to lack of upkeep. I kinda want to have them consume Fuel cubes as ammo.
Quick start option, like starting with 50 wood/coal and a few more miners. The beginning feels tedious after doing it many times.
Relatedly, wood chopping is boring. If poles cost 1 wood it’d be less chopping overall. Right now wood chopping is just a minigame i have to play before playing “Factorio”.
Yes. Treecutting and manually mining isn't even kinda fun. Wood is kinda in a similar state as Alien artifacts were. It becomes obsolete as soon as you get into Green science, but you can't auto-harvest it until you get robots. It just doesn't fit in the game right.

And a quicker start in vanilla would be great.
The default biters are just too much at max distance: too many bases and too large when you get farther from spawn. I know you can tone it down, but on default it takes hours to clear if you don’t have several nukes. (I make an enormous perimeter, then clears all the biters in it, so obviously I’m gonna get more tired of this).
True enough, although hours seems a bit much. Back when Shotgun was still effective, I had a lot of fun running around smashing bases. Personally I think its fine where it is. Once you get T2 armor with full kit, you can run around and demolish a base, especially if you bring destroyer capsules.
And this is also why you want to get artillery/nukes. Nukes let you delete an enemy base effortlessly, while artillery just lets you declare an area free of biters.
The rocket silo is weird looking: it’s a giant complicated sprite and I feel like the game made it for me, rather than it being something I made. It’d be cool if the silo was actually several buildings: e.g. a fuel loader, part constructor, control tower, and the actual silo column. Those buildings could be linked to their new individual technologies, and require their respective resource to make a rocket part.
Well, I can't disagree, it does currently look weird. The new sprite might look better, hard to say.
But yes, a "Multiblock structure" like Reactors or Steam engines might make sense here.
Oil is a huge step in time and complexity: gotta find oil, make a train, make pumpjacks, make refineries & storage tanks, make chemical plants, link resources, make room for all this stuff, and then *finally* i can make blue science. Just wish the process was more gradually rewarding.
Oil patches like 1000% or lower feel pretty useless, especially early game. When you have beacons they’re ok, but until they that’s only 5 refineries’ worth.
Yep. The complexity boost is massive. At least they cut science complexity down to only need one oil product to start with.
On the other hand, "In the early game" why do you need "More than 5 refineries"? I can get away with one easily, though I usually build 8 just to reserve the space.
More music! The score is awesome, I love it. Just wish there was more.
I disable the music and listen to audiobooks, or else use my own music. And yes, this is because it gets repetitive after a while. More tracks would be awesome.
Rain or other weathers would give more life to the world, even if there’s no gameplay effect. I know that’s not this game’s focus, but I’d like to feel more immersed.
Hmm. Rain + new Heightmap could allow dynamic, finite water. And yes. Day/night, and biter rain is pretty much the only weather we have. Could liven up the world. Maybe even seasons.
Honestly just expanding the Day/Night cycle to a 20 minute cycle adds quite a bit.
There’s no reason to explore (again, not the game’s focus), but it might be a fun addition. Maybe have ancient ruins, or special terrain like a mountain or alien forest. Could have an achievement tied to finding “a rare occurrence”. Could also have a rare item like titanium, or ancient artifact, just for showcasing.
True enough. Most exploration you get is finding and securing a new ore deposit, or oil field. Also placing radars further out for further scouting.

Adding stuff to find might not be a good idea. With radar and Radartillery, you can see way too much, and exploration doesn't really happen.

Re: Some Factorio Suggestions from a Loving Fan

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:28 am
by Koub
[Koub] Moved to ideas and suggestions