[0.16.51] Crash with specific save
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 11:22 pm
at approx 90sec into the game, I get a segfault (game crash) with my current save.
It gets triggered regardless of any action the player takes. Always at exact same maptick.
My platform is Linux. I was able to reproduce this segfault on my Desktop Factorio, and on dedicated server in Headless mode.
In Headless mode client and server segfault simultaneously.
I tried following steps:
- removing mod "Upgrade Planner"
- removing mod "Bot Autofill"
- remove all remaining landfill-tile-ghosts still in the map
- different and low graphics modes
Following mods have been installed over the course of this save:
- "Base mod" 0.16.51 (the game initially also started with that version, no upgrade)
- "Upgrade Builder and Planner" 1.5.3
- "Nanobots: Early Bots" 2.0.7 (disabled since many hours)
- "Bot Landfill" 1.0.2 (since recently. <= 2hours)
I captured both crashes, as apparently the Headless version is more verbose during crash than my client.
Crash headless server and client logs:
headless server factorio-current.log:
related dump file from headless server
related factorio-current.log from client connected to headless server
I had binutils and addr2line installed, but still the client logs are not very verbose about the crash. Not sure how to fix that.
and the related dump file from client side as well.
Crash with "fullclient" appears equally. factorio-current.log & factorio-dump-current.dmp
The savefile is ~40MB
You may want to browse all the files conveniently with this link
Looking for some more ideas to troubleshoot. I hope you will be able to reproduce this segfault also reliably.
at approx 90sec into the game, I get a segfault (game crash) with my current save.
It gets triggered regardless of any action the player takes. Always at exact same maptick.
My platform is Linux. I was able to reproduce this segfault on my Desktop Factorio, and on dedicated server in Headless mode.
In Headless mode client and server segfault simultaneously.
I tried following steps:
- removing mod "Upgrade Planner"
- removing mod "Bot Autofill"
- remove all remaining landfill-tile-ghosts still in the map
- different and low graphics modes
Following mods have been installed over the course of this save:
- "Base mod" 0.16.51 (the game initially also started with that version, no upgrade)
- "Upgrade Builder and Planner" 1.5.3
- "Nanobots: Early Bots" 2.0.7 (disabled since many hours)
- "Bot Landfill" 1.0.2 (since recently. <= 2hours)
I captured both crashes, as apparently the Headless version is more verbose during crash than my client.
Crash headless server and client logs:
headless server factorio-current.log:
Code: Select all
0.000 2019-01-29 23:23:54; Factorio 0.16.51 (build 36654, linux64, headless)
0.064 Operating system: Linux (Debian 9.5)
0.064 Program arguments: "./bin/x64/factorio" "--server-settings" "sk2/server-settings.json" "--start-server" "sk2/sk2.zip"
0.064 Read data path: /home/factorio/factorio/data
0.064 Write data path: /home/factorio/factorio [435362/461197MB]
0.064 Binaries path: /home/factorio/factorio/bin
0.082 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400S CPU @ 2.50GHz, 4 cores, RAM: 7696 MB]
0.082 Environment: DISPLAY=<unset>, WAYLAND_DISPLAY=<unset>
0.082 Running in headless mode
0.091 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
0.111 Loading mod base 0.16.51 (data.lua)
0.271 Loading mod upgrade-planner 1.5.3 (data.lua)
0.307 Loading mod base 0.16.51 (data-updates.lua)
0.349 Checksum for core: 840319042
0.349 Checksum of base: 3323233190
0.349 Checksum of upgrade-planner: 378958687
0.466 Info PlayerData.cpp:65: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1548800486
0.466 Info PlayerData.cpp:72: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
0.467 Custom inputs active: 0
0.467 Factorio initialised
0.468 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:29: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0).
0.468 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:699: mapTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
0.468 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:699: mapTick(4294967295) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
0.468 Loading map /home/factorio/factorio/sk2/sk2.zip: 39060566 bytes.
0.485 Loading Level.dat: 84878783 bytes.
0.493 Info Scenario.cpp:136: Map version 0.16.51-0
4.053 Loading script.dat: 176 bytes.
4.058 Checksum for script /home/factorio/factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 950616531
4.061 Checksum for script __upgrade-planner__/control.lua: 1007996437
4.092 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({}))
4.092 Hosting game at IP ADDR:({})
4.092 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:699: mapTick(17874018) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
4.092 Info UDPSocket.cpp:39: Opening socket for broadcast
90.839 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({}))
90.839 Refusing connection for address (IP ADDR:({})), username (skub). ModsMismatch
91.745 Warning TransmissionControlHelper.cpp:176: Fragment 0001 failed too many times
142.091 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({}))
142.091 Refusing connection for address (IP ADDR:({})), username (skub). PasswordMissing
142.981 Warning TransmissionControlHelper.cpp:176: Fragment 0003 failed too many times
145.800 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({}))
145.800 Info ServerRouter.cpp:409: Replying to connectionRequest for address(IP ADDR:({})).
145.800 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:557: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(4221) adding peer(1)
145.817 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:699: mapTick(17874018) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameSavingMap)
145.834 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: mapTick(17874018) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(Ready) newState(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
148.210 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:855: MapTick(17874018) Serving map(/home/factorio/factorio/temp/mp-save-0.zip) for peer(1) size(38315896) crc(1236606960)
148.210 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:699: mapTick(17874018) changing state from(InGameSavingMap) to(InGame)
148.277 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: mapTick(17874018) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedWaitingForMap) newState(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
152.450 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: mapTick(17874018) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedDownloadingMap) newState(ConnectedLoadingMap)
154.646 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: mapTick(17874149) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedLoadingMap) newState(TryingToCatchUp)
155.383 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: mapTick(17874193) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(TryingToCatchUp) newState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures)
155.384 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:3476: MapTick (17874193) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(1) playerIndex(0) mode(connect )
155.449 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: mapTick(17874197) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) newState(InGame)
232.924 Error CrashHandler.cpp:522: Received SIGSEGV
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
Raw stacktrace: 0x9594f8, 0xa7bdad, 0x9a16f1, 0x9a1b48, 0x9a1b99, 0x138b878, 0x110c0, 0x84ad26, 0x86d5a2, 0x929a1e, 0x92ac21, 0x92ae37, 0x58f698, 0x938a34, 0x947272, 0x54326d, 0x77800e, 0xba21e8, 0xc58f7d, 0xc59562, 0xc599cc, 0xc6c059, 0xc712a0, 0xc715a3, 0xc71b5b, 0x4206f6, 0, 0x426aef
236.816 Warning Logger.cpp:494: Symbols.size() == 38, usedSize == 27
#0 0x0000000000a7bdad in std::__uniq_ptr_impl<LoggerFileWriteStream, std::default_delete<LoggerFileWriteStream> >::_M_ptr() const at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/unique_ptr.h:147
#1 0x00000000009a16f1 in std::unique_ptr<LoggerFileWriteStream, std::default_delete<LoggerFileWriteStream> >::get() const at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/unique_ptr.h:337
#2 0x00000000009a1b48 in std::unique_ptr<LoggerFileWriteStream, std::default_delete<LoggerFileWriteStream> >::operator->() const at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/unique_ptr.h:331
#3 0x00000000009a1b99 in Logger::flush() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Util/Logger.cpp:533
#4 0x000000000138b878 in Logger::logStacktrace(StackTraceInfo*) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Util/Logger.cpp:521
#5 0x00000000000110c0 in CrashHandler::writeStackTrace(CrashHandler::CrashReason) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:173
#6 0x000000000084ad26 in CrashHandler::commonSignalHandler(int) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:525
#7 0x000000000086d5a2 in CrashHandler::firstChanceHandler(int, void*, void*) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:604
#8 0x0000000000929a1e in google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::SignalHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*) at ??:?
#9 0x000000000092ac21 in ?? at ??:0
#10 0x000000000092ae37 in Chunk::removeActiveNeighbourForce(ForceID) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Surface/Chunk.cpp:755
#11 0x000000000058f698 in EntityWithForce::checkNearbyForcesUnRegistration(ChunkPosition const&) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Entity/EntityWithForce.cpp:104
#12 0x0000000000938a34 in EntityWithForce::forceUnRegistration() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Entity/EntityWithForce.cpp:45
#13 0x0000000000947272 in ChunkPosition::ChunkPosition(MapPosition const&) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Util/ChunkPosition.cpp:34
#14 0x000000000054326d in EntityWithForce::forceReRegistration() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Entity/EntityWithForce.cpp:35
#15 0x000000000077800e in AdvancedTilePosition::AdvancedTilePosition(MapPosition const&) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Util/AdvancedTilePosition.hpp:14
#16 0x0000000000ba21e8 in Entity::changePosition(Vector const&) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Entity/Entity.cpp:544
#17 0x0000000000c58f7d in Unit::changePosition(Vector const&) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Entity/Unit.cpp:143
#18 0x0000000000c59562 in non-virtual thunk to Unit::moveSmooth(Vector const&, double) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Entity/Unit.cpp:129
#19 0x0000000000c599cc in GotoBehavior::execute() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/AI/GotoBehavior.cpp:710 (discriminator 4)
#20 0x0000000000c6c059 in Commandable::runBehavior() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/AI/Commandable.cpp:183
#21 0x0000000000c712a0 in Unit::update() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Entity/Unit.cpp:256
#22 0x0000000000c715a3 in IntrusiveListIterator<UpdatableEntity, void, false>::operator!=(IntrusiveListIterator<UpdatableEntity, void, false> const&) const at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Util/Container/IntrusiveList.hpp:434
#23 0x0000000000c71b5b in Chunk::updateActiveEntities(IntrusiveList<UpdatableEntity, void, false>&) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Surface/Chunk.cpp:575
#24 0x00000000004206f6 in Chunk::isConditionallyActive(unsigned int) const at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Surface/Chunk.cpp:893
#25 (nil) in Chunk::updateEntities(unsigned int) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Surface/Chunk.cpp:624
#26 0x0000000000426aef in Surface::update() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Surface/Surface.cpp:1191
#27 (nil) in Map::update() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Map/Map.cpp:1362
#28 (nil) in Game::update() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Game.cpp:163
#29 (nil) in Scenario::update() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Scenario/Scenario.cpp:883
#30 (nil) in Scenario::updateStep() at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Scenario/Scenario.cpp:789
#31 (nil) in MainLoop::gameUpdateStep(MultiplayerManagerBase*, Scenario*, AppManager*, MainLoop::HeavyMode) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/MainLoop.cpp:1007
#32 (nil) in MainLoop::gameUpdateLoop(MainLoop::HeavyMode) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/MainLoop.cpp:874
#33 (nil) in MainLoop::mainLoopStepHeadless(MainLoop::HeavyMode) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/MainLoop.cpp:482
#34 (nil) in MainLoop::run(Filesystem::Path const&, Filesystem::Path const&, bool, bool, std::function<void ()>, Filesystem::Path const&, MainLoop::HeavyMode) at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/MainLoop.cpp:333
#35 (nil) in main at /tmp/factorio-build-ZMjCBB/src/Main.cpp:772 (discriminator 4)
#36 (nil) in ?? at ??:0
#37 (nil) in _start at ??:?
Stack trace logging done
240.487 Warning Logger.cpp:494: Symbols.size() == 33, usedSize == 26
240.487 Error CrashHandler.cpp:174: Map tick at moment of crash: 17878845
240.487 Error Util.cpp:67: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
240.487 Uploading log file
240.535 Info CrashHandler.cpp:617: Wrote minidump to /home/factorio/factorio/factorio-dump-current.dmp
related factorio-current.log from client connected to headless server
I had binutils and addr2line installed, but still the client logs are not very verbose about the crash. Not sure how to fix that.
and the related dump file from client side as well.
Crash with "fullclient" appears equally. factorio-current.log & factorio-dump-current.dmp
The savefile is ~40MB
You may want to browse all the files conveniently with this link
Looking for some more ideas to troubleshoot. I hope you will be able to reproduce this segfault also reliably.