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Multi-signal, 3 combinator memory cell

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:18 am
by AlexAegis
Multi-signal Memory
Reddit Post / Video

Stores every signal and it's value (except 'S' since that's reserved as the set/save/store signal, but you can change it)

Pulsing the 'S' signal stores the input value. If there is no input value it stores that (erases the memory).

Handles negative values too.

Note: I made this based on SafwatHalabys original memory design. The layout is completely the same, but instead of storing only a value for a fixed signal, it stores everything as is. And while on the original design you would use the bottom signal (Marked as 'R' there) to reset the memory (erase it), here you use it for setting the memory.
multisignal-memory.png (5.17 MiB) Viewed 6433 times

Re: Multi-signal, 3 combinator memory cell

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:25 am
by ndh
You posted the edit link to the blueprint. Here's the working link:

Here's a blueprint that demonstrates how to use this, with some timers.

Explanation in the blueprint.