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Tech Mania is more expensive than you think

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:19 pm
by earlymodernperiod
I started a map for the achievement Lazy bastard but along the way I also decided to try and pick up the Tech maniac achievement. I was about 40 hours in and getting close to my rocket launch (yeah, I’m bad, I know :( ), so I wanted to know how close I was to the other achievement.

I had been pretty diligent in picking up every research I could and only had about 3 rows of research left to do (excluding infinite technologies) I knew some of them were very expensive, but there were also a lot of cheaper ones like Gun turret damage 6 left. I thought a realistic number would be around 65%, though I hoped for 75% or even 80%.

So I created a spreadsheet and tallied up the cost of all technologies. Please note that I used the raw raw resources from the wiki (so only iron, copper, coal, stone and crude oil). I know this is a drastic simplification, but I didn’t want to know what was left to do specifically, only how close I was, and I hope any errors mostly canceled each other out.

What I found, shocked me.

Just for reference: I had already unlocked Rocket silo, I had researched every technology only requiring red, green, blue and military science packs and I even had a lot of the best bonuses maxed out.

I had fully upgraded bullets, shotguns, laser turrets, combat robots, worker robots, lab research speed, inserters and logistic slots. I only needed to research 30 more techs! Out of 236!

Now guess how close to the achievement I was (using the combined resource cost of all the technologies I already researched / the total cost of all technologies)


Re: Tech Mania is more expensive than you think

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:32 pm
by quinor
Not surprising at all. The later tech is supposed to be THE resource sink, so, well, it is expensive :)

Re: Tech Mania is more expensive than you think

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:32 pm
by bobucles
35% isn't as 35% as you think. The factory is always growing and producing more quickly. All the effort that goes into the first hour of construction can be trivially done in minutes towards late game. Instead try looking at the raw resource cost and compare it to your current resource production rate.

Re: Tech Mania is more expensive than you think

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:23 pm
by quinor
Yeah, that too. It seemed obvious to me so I just assumed this one as a given.

Re: Tech Mania is more expensive than you think

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:39 pm
by T-A-R
quinor wrote: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:32 pm Not surprising at all. The later tech is supposed to be THE resource sink, so, well, it is expensive :)
Jup, you need more iron.

Re: Tech Mania is more expensive than you think

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:35 pm
by theolderbeholder
and copper. For green circuits. :D

Re: Tech Mania is more expensive than you think

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:39 pm
by GrumpyJoe
40h is not bad for lazy bastard
It was my 3rd save i launched a rocket and i think it was about 100+h
Even tho you gotta automate everything, i didn´t automate building through bots much (i didn´t get the BP mouse and keyboard shortcuts back then), so i often ran back and forth to the mall and my current construction site, which was always pretty close and well within the bot zone
earlymodernperiod wrote: Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:19 pm yeah, I’m bad, I know :(
In general, dont measure your "skill" in time spent on a rocket launch, the game is so much more than speedruns and only one rocket

As for the tech costs: the game has shifted alot from just launching a rocket as the end goal, and will be even more so in 0.17, when you dont even need military science for the rocket FFF275
Research what you need for the things you wanna build. You also dont even get close to 20M green circuits achievment with a rocket. Achievments in this game are not linear, you cant expect to be close to one, while doing any other.