Recycle/Repurpose excess Items
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:16 pm
I was thinking about a way of re purposing things like barrels. Maybe if I had a bunch of empty barrels I could throw them into a furnace and make it into a steel plate. But make it expensive like 10 barrels to 1 plate or you could make it less so it is not an easy way to get rid of barrels. Maybe do the same with plastic bars!
How about fish (Or for more fun do something and make the fish into an Easter egg!)
Make the math almost like the Kovarex enrichment math. Basically "You're an idiot for making too many barrels! If you recycle them, now you'll have too many of <insert item here> to deal with!
Just a thought
How about fish (Or for more fun do something and make the fish into an Easter egg!)
Make the math almost like the Kovarex enrichment math. Basically "You're an idiot for making too many barrels! If you recycle them, now you'll have too many of <insert item here> to deal with!
Just a thought