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Error state

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:47 am
by equitime77
Ive just updated my ltn and noticed it says that trains wont be added to the ready list if they are in an error state. Is there an easy to read list of these error states? Does this include a train coming back with items still in it?

Re: Error state

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:56 am
by Optera
Just to make it clear Error state refers to stops, not trains.

Status can be easily checked through the lamp color.
Full list of lamp status information can be found in Logistic Train Network (LTN) - Description & Information under "Lamp: (color coded status)"

Stops in error state do not generate new deliveries. They will still read loading information and train composition as normal to allow existing deliveries to be completed.

Edit: Added the word Error to error states.