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[MOD 0.16] Picker Pipe Tools

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:03 am
by Staplergun

Adds tools focused around ease of use when piping!

- Orphan finder - Hover over any belt or underground belt and it will highlight any underground belts nearby that are missing a connection. The same applies with pipes.
- Pipe cleaner - Use the selection tool to select a single pipe or even group of pipes with a fluid in them. The script will recurse through all pipes connected that have the same fluid as the selected fluid and remove it.
- Pipe highlighter - Press `<CTRL SHIFT P>` to ping all underground pipe connections around you. Will also highlight pipes-to-ground in green or red. If red, this means that that pipe is missing a connection. This will fade after 20 seconds.
- Pipe clamps - Press `<Rotate>` on a pipe to "clamp" it to it's current connections. This locks it in place without allowing it to connect to anything else. Selection tool can be used to lock an entire area in position, or unlock an entire area. Automated scripts prevent pipes from mixing fluids that don't match when unclamping, or more in depth during placement if auto clamp mode is on.
- Auto Clamp Mode - This allows parallel pipe placement of empty or full pipes. Will prevent fluid mixing if they do not match. See below gifs for what this means. You can toggle autoclamp mode by pressing `<CTRL SHIFT C>` or by typing `/autoclamp <off/false, on/true>`.

Picker Orphan finder

Highlights nearby underground belts and pipes that are not connected to anything underground when hovering over belts or pipes. Can be disabled per player in mod options.
Orphan Finder
Picker Pipe Cleaner

Call a plumber on any fluidbox by using the selection tool in the blueprint menu. This will loop through all connected pipes and remove the selected fluid allowing your pipes to freely flow again.
Pipe Cleaner
Picker Pipe Highlighter

Getting lost in your pipes? Validate your connections by pressing `<CTRL SHIFT P>` and all underground pipes will be shown. This will ping all pipes near you and display for ~20 seconds.
Pipe Highlighter
Picker Pipe Clamps

Want more control of your pipes? Clamps have you covered! Just start drawing a pipeline and the script will handle it for you! This automagically prevents fluid mixing when placing pipes, and even allows parallel pipe laying when the pipes are empty, or full, even with the same liquid.
You can press \<ROTATE> on any pipe to clamp or unclamp it. You can also use the selection tool from the blueprint menu to clamp or unclamp entire areas. (Unclamping will always attempt to prevent fluid mix)
Note: Pipe will attempt to clamp itself if the fluid you're piping doesn't match a building it's trying to connect to (IE: Storage tank.) This will cause warning spam if dragging the mouse while placing pipes and this happens. (see last image below)
Clamps and Automatic Clamping
Contact me on discord at TheStaplergun 2.0#6920

Name: Picker Pipe Tools
Version: 0.1.0
Factorio-Version: 0.16
Description: Adds tools to make fluid handling with pipes much easier. -Orphan finder -Pipe cleaner -Pipe Highlighter -Pipe clamps
License: MIT
First release: 2018-10-11
Dependencies: base
Category: Logistics
Tags: Pipes
Author: TheStaplergun, Nexela
Git repository:

Re: [MOD 0.16] Picker Pipe Tools

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:08 am
by BlueTemplar
I would need some help please to fix the clamp failure that happens with non-straight pipes :
clamp_failure.png (99.85 KiB) Viewed 1686 times
AFAIK this is a functionality that broke with the transition from 0.16 to 0.17 and I suspect involves the difference between position and positions in pipe connections ?

Re: [MOD 0.16] Picker Pipe Tools

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:29 pm
by gavrielba
Someone help me please! It doesn't automatically snap to anything. Also pressing rotate (isn't it 'R' for everyone??) doesn't do anything. Ctrl Shift C is copying into blueprint (wasn't it always?)

I do get one thing to work: orphan finder. Pipe highlighter doesn't work either...

Do I need some other mod for it to work?

Re: [MOD 0.16] Picker Pipe Tools

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:56 pm
by BlueTemplar
What about /autoclamp ?
(You might need to have a pipe in the cursor to toggle clamp mode on specific pipes.)
(Still, see above for the issues with non-straight pipes.)
<CTRL SHIFT C> might be overridden by another mod for you ?
Pipe highlighter doesn't work either...
staplergun wrote:Version: 1.1.4
Date: 2022-06-05
- Remove pipe highlighter in favor of:
(Which IMHO doesn't make sense because PipeVisualizer serves a different purpose... this highlighter is invaluable for noticing broken/unused pipes !)
It still works in the version 1.1.3, here it is also with one display bug fixed :