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Small differences between blueprint and build hard to spot

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:03 pm
by neoc
When using big, complex blueprints (especially with mods), it's often hard to see if a blueprint you're holding in hand differs in any way from what you've built; a single wrong inserter displayed in an unobtrusive red can easily be overlooked. Is there any way to immediately see if a blueprint is identical (or compatible) with a build or could be placed? Maybe making the color for differences more flashy would be enough.

Also differences in entities with settings are hard to spot, especially inserter configurations like near / far / long (Bob's Adjustable Inserters).

Re: Small differences between blueprint and build hard to spot

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:19 am
by evopwr
Have to agree, I have a couple of really large "district" blueprints, which require fully zoomed out placement, and sometimes where overlaying them to an intersection, its hard to spot that a rail is colliding with a signal for example.

Collisions show up in red at the moment - I wonder if simply changing it to "flashing" red would make be a really easy fix, whilst making it a lot easier to spot.