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Stop show station/player name toggling on by itself

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:41 pm
by PLLovervoltage
Procedure to repeat behavior:

1. In the map mode deselect showing everything (logistics network, electric network, etc).

2. You decide to see and toggle show logistics network and/or electric network (any combination)

3. Then you decide to press alt to toggle your selections off

4. But then you decide to see something else such as turret coverage(anything works) and toggle it.

5. The next time you press alt, show station name and show player name toggles on by themselves even though they weren't part of the options selected.

Can the show station name and show player name stay toggled off? I've been recently wanting to keep my player name off so I can see the minimap better but I've found that the player name kept toggling on by itself every now and then. And then I found that this was what was causing it. I think majority of the time its caused when I press alt to alt tab.

Re: Stop show station/player name toggling on by itself

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:56 pm
by steinio

Re: Stop show station/player name toggling on by itself

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:33 am
by PLLovervoltage
Ah a post has already been made. I don't think it showed up on my searches because of the typo in the title. I still personally feels like its not really resolved tho. I do understand that the alt button toggles options that were enabled but as I have posted above it toggles options that were left disabled automatically on by itself. Not sure if this is a bug or an intentional design decision..