Splitting belt lanes and blueprints
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 2:39 am
Sometimes, I want to split the lanes of a belt. Yes, yes, I realize it’s usually best to avoid needing to do such things, but sometimes it’s useful. Even if you don’t put different types of items on each side of a belt, all of the designs for input and output balanced lane balancers rely on splitting belt lanes. As far as I can tell, there is one and only one way to do this for belts with the same type of item in each lane, and that is to sideload underground belt entrances or exits.
I don’t have a huge problem with that. Even though it can be awkward to place underground belts to ensure they don’t accidentally connect to each other, it’s just one aspect of the puzzle of belt logistics. However, I bumped into a bug today in which using unpaired underground belts in this way can actually result in nondeterministic blueprints. Sometimes (but not all the time), when placing a blueprint containing unpaired underground belts, the the direction of belts placed by bots can be inconsistent with the direction in the blueprint:
To my dismay, I learned from this forum thread that this bug is known, but has been categorized as Won’t Fix. In that thread, Rseding made the following comment:
tl;dr: Lots of existing designs rely on unpaired underground belts for splitting belt lanes, which is not officially supported. Do you think that status quo is acceptable? If not, what do you think the right solution is?
I don’t have a huge problem with that. Even though it can be awkward to place underground belts to ensure they don’t accidentally connect to each other, it’s just one aspect of the puzzle of belt logistics. However, I bumped into a bug today in which using unpaired underground belts in this way can actually result in nondeterministic blueprints. Sometimes (but not all the time), when placing a blueprint containing unpaired underground belts, the the direction of belts placed by bots can be inconsistent with the direction in the blueprint:
To my dismay, I learned from this forum thread that this bug is known, but has been categorized as Won’t Fix. In that thread, Rseding made the following comment:
Emphasis mine. This is troubling to me. This means that all of the common input and output balanced lane balancer designs, as well as various other designs that rely on using unpaired underground belts to split belt lanes, are not officially supported! To me, this is a weak enough guarantee that it effectively means any blueprint containing unpaired underground belts could break upon placement, and I shouldn’t rely upon that feature in any of my designs. Taking this to its logical conclusion, this implies one of two things:Rseding91 wrote:You're having this problem because your blueprint has exit underground belts that aren't paired with any entrance underground belt - something that's not normally supported.
- The developers think that using paired underground belts exclusively is good enough for splitting the lanes of homogenous belts. If this is the case, that would imply that all the lane balancer designs on the wiki should be updated to only use paired underground belts. Personally, I think that sounds ridiculous, since it would make the existing designs, many of which are quite clever, significantly larger and considerably less interesting. However, maybe other people feel differently.
- Alternatively, either the unsupported feature needs to become supported (and the aforementioned bug needs to be fixed), or Factorio needs a new (supported) mechanic for splitting the lanes of belts. I’ve read that the developers have apparently been opposed to the latter of those two options in the past, but the status quo seems unreasonable to me.
tl;dr: Lots of existing designs rely on unpaired underground belts for splitting belt lanes, which is not officially supported. Do you think that status quo is acceptable? If not, what do you think the right solution is?