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Long Reach

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:34 pm
by Maddhawk
So I grabbed the mod Long Reach to place a few bits of land fill that my bots wouldn't do (despite easily being in range of my personal roboport.) After placing the landfill, I went back and turned the mod off. However, I still have the longer reach the mod gave me. Is there a console command that can reset my reach/build to default?

Note: Before anyone mentions the wiki, the command for this is not on there. I already looked.

Re: Long Reach

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:08 pm
by Krazykrl
I believe that Long reach affects the characters build range bonus stat. To remove long reach (since your total bonus build range is probably saved to the gamesave itself), you probably just need to set the bonus to zero.

This is untested, but may work:

Code: Select all

game.forces["player"].character_build_distance_bonus = 0
game.forces["player"].character_reach_distance_bonus = 0
This is via the sourcecode for long-reach, taken directly from the mod author at ... ontrol.lua