Index next train stop at station.
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 2:09 pm
I'd like train scheduling to be more controllable in vanilla circuit conditions as train scheduling is annoyingly un-automatable in this otherwise excellent game.
It would be nice if we could set the next destination index (in the order of the trains stop listing) from a station by activating a value at the train stop.
So, for example, a train stop has the (hypothetical proposed) capability "Set train destination from this station" box ticked, and a small dialog opens like for the other circuit options on other things. There is a settable property icon (say "Coal", "A", "Sub-machinegun" etc). If the property is set and the value greater than 0, then trains next scheduled stop would be set to the index given by the value. So if the value was, say, 3, the next scheduled stop would be set to the 3rd station in the trains schedule.
It would be nice if we could set the next destination index (in the order of the trains stop listing) from a station by activating a value at the train stop.
So, for example, a train stop has the (hypothetical proposed) capability "Set train destination from this station" box ticked, and a small dialog opens like for the other circuit options on other things. There is a settable property icon (say "Coal", "A", "Sub-machinegun" etc). If the property is set and the value greater than 0, then trains next scheduled stop would be set to the index given by the value. So if the value was, say, 3, the next scheduled stop would be set to the 3rd station in the trains schedule.