Nubm2 wrote:zOldBulldog wrote: Europe does a pretty good job of [nuclear power safety regulation].
[No It doesn't].
I'd tend to agree with Nubm2, Areva for example has perfected a good habit of falsifying safety test and trying to sell malfunctioning parts in the past years (or decades, who knows?). Granted the fact they got caught numerous times proves legislation works to some extent, but the fact this economic agent tried in the first place, and keep trying so hard, does not reassure me about the human ability to not fuck up.
Still, IMO, this issue has nothing to do at all with the technology itself. Cyborg up humans to have lifespan greater than the halflife of plutonium, send the smartest scientists and the danger of nuclear power in deep space for interstellar colonization, and all of a sudden, nuclear seems like a decent option to me.
I was more thinking of something to actively fight polution, like air filter.
As far as I know, air filter, unless you mean planting trees, are only useful to make a local pocket of air more breathable.
If I had to guess, I'd say we're 2 to 4 orders of magnitudes of clean energy output away from fixing the consequences of pollution, but we can already tackle the causes (reduce polution sources. In factorio, it means solar panels, efficiency modules ...)
And critters on normal; settings aren't a big threat really. Thats beside the point.
Bitters on default setting ARE challenging, the first time you play the game, as they should be. I don't see the issue with having to fiddle with the option to set the game at a proper difficulty as you gain skills in the game.
I don't think that's necessarilly besides the point, I'd rather have efficiency being promoted by subtly punishing pollution than by artificially rewardinng going green. That's probably an awfully bad stance, from a game design point of view, but that would be very realistic and teach a very true RL principle, that effects of pollution are grave but not obvious, that things are systemic, and that the easiest way to not screw up is to not screw up (as opposed to fix the damages afterward).
They create extra stuff.
Creating extra stuff is overrated. There is a practical infinity of stuff. If you have acess to ore deposit with millions or even billions of ressources (and you do by just walking a little bit), the main point of productivity modules is to reduce the factory size, and then you don't need them everywhere. Putting them everywhere is still a smart thing to do as it saves the hassle to figure out where they are the most useful, but that's definitely not a playstyle clearly superior to others.
And no, they don't cost the same as efficiency modules. Efficiency modules are in the vast majority of case Eff1 and Eff2, and they do save solar panels cost, sometimes more than there own cost. Prod3 and speed3 are very expansive, and ProdAny and SpeedAny cost solar panels to support.
Factorio has a multiplayer mode, were you can kill other humans.
I see players as consciousness uploaded in humanoid mecha. Even if they were human, they are at the very least daredevil psychopaths, presumably having cut themselves from civilization to voyage for years in spaceships with little to no company.
It would still be utterly wasteful to use such powers (uploaded consiousness) to wage desolation on a (not so) bare planet, but I am glad Factorio gives me the option to do so, as well as the option not to do so.
Ants don't fight back when you claim resources located on or near their nests.
Yes they do. Put your hand into a fire-ant colony, you'll feel it. Sure, if you step on them with a rubber boot, you won't feel anything. Same with biters, poke them with an iron stick and a colt 45, you'll feel them. Stomp them with a robot port and laser turret, you will not even notice.
What do you think those bugs represent in this game?
I have mixed feelings on them. I don't think they're necessarilly supposed to represent anything but an excellent game mechanic (giving reasons to go green, giving a way to adjust the difficulty in game, giving a cheap good fight).
My sci fy explanation for them would be that they are a terraforming Von Neumann probes, like explained here : ... rkers_and/
If I had to invent something more symbolic and echoing our society, I'd say they represent Native populations. What we do to them (genocide) is quite bad but I'm ok with it, cause in that particular case, I can't relate to them and genuinely think factories are more valuable than biter nests, so I do my best to replace the later by the former.
So yeah, on the same level as ants, arguably lower, due to the apparently poorer social interactions (but maybe that's just because it's a game and the interactions are supposed to be here, but are not shown).
[nuclear reactor issues] I don't want them to see represented in detail, but there are literally none.
It happens there is one consequence represented for nuclear reactor : if they are demolished when hot (>500 or 900 IDR), they explode with similar effect than a nuclear warhead.
But I too do feel nuclear is overly simplifed, except cell refurbishing and kovarex enrichement process, which makes a lot of sense gameplay wise (players hate lacking control on ratio, and building nuclear ammo does not feel like having control), but is a ludicrous and unrealistic magicolulz bonus that nuclear power does not need anyway.
zOldBulldog wrote:@4xel: accumulators aren't future tech. It is already cheaper for power companies to build energy storage facilities to accumulate power during the off times and use during the peak hours than it is to build new power plants.
Yeah, I know that already, but I was under the wrong impression that factorio accumulators were way too cheap (1/6 of a solar panel installation it serves) compared to their RL counterpart. I've been fooled by simple look of batteries, and did not account for oil price. Factorio's accumulator appear to be spot on both gameplay wise and compared to their real, present day counterparts (bout 1/2 of the solar installation they serve).
Speaking of storage, steam tank and heat pipe storage for nuclear setups are laughable, and the idea that nuclear reactor are more flexible than solar panels constitutes, indeed, a
"[hupefully] soon to be discarded and outdated view of energy production" :
power consumption is not constant, so constant power production from nuclear plant is just as problemetic as day night cycle are for solar panel. This is present in the game but the work arounds (accumulators included), which involve very interesting logistic challenges, could include some losses.
The only downside is the complexity wall, but that's really not an issue when you consider that it's not the only way to produce electricity (solar plant are simpler, even nuclear plants wasting fuel are simple and do work).
TL;DR (which contains stuff I have not said yet) :
I'd rather accentuate pollution punishement than directly reward going green.
Eg. Slight nerf on energy storage especially for nuclear
negative consequences of pollution independant from biters, could encourage preserving biters, even aggressive ones.
Such as pollution cloud blocking solar panels, overheated machines no longer working