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"Outland automotives"

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:24 am
by Cpl.Copperhead
I personally think Factorio could use a bit more diversity in transport. So far, we've got exoskeletons for small scale transportation, the V8 buggy for early game crusades and scouting, the tank for mid-game assault and showing off, and the train for large scale transportation and annihilation as of 0.16.

It is simply too basic in my opinion. Perhaps it's for the best, but when I build a factory bigger than my town, I want to drive around in something more practical and/or exotic than the aforementioned examples.
Some suggestions so far:
-Six-wheeler truck with self defense, lots of storage space and medium speed.
-Speed freak scout car a-la Razor Cola from Fury Road.
-Mobile base the size of one of those giant quarry trucks with all the perks (defense, huge storage space, power generation; maybe even a small factory).
-Classic muscle car a-la '69 Gran Torino or '70 Challenger.

...and so on. I also suggest adding vehicle customization such as switching between wheels and treads, adding paint jobs, various turrets, turbo/supercharging. Not Crossout-level customization, just some basic options for you to explore. Also, different methods of power - be it electricity, good old fashioned petrol or other types such as hydrogen or ammonia.

Re: "Outland automotives"

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:08 pm
by xfir01
There is the "Spidertron" listed as a low priority item for .17.

Not sure what that entails, but sounds like it'd be a late game combat vehicle.
Though I do agree that there could definitely be some better mid-late game options (power armor Mk2 tends to dominate), and a train specializing in personal transport rather than autonomous cargo hauling.

A lot of this falls into the realm of mods, as well. VehicleGrid in particular helps solve a lot of balance issues by adding equipment grids.

Re: "Outland automotives"

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:40 pm
by mrvn
I think the car and train is just fine. But I want a Taxi service.

Place a garage somewhere in your base. Then when you want to go somewhere you call a taxi. A car leaves the garage and drives to you, preferably taking some roads you've build. You enter the car and tell it where to go and it drives there. When you done (or leave the car too long) the car drives back to the garage.

Re: "Outland automotives"

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:03 pm
by Tekky
Cpl.Copperhead wrote:Mobile base the size of one of those giant quarry trucks with all the perks (defense, huge storage space, power generation; maybe even a small factory).
That reminds me a bit of the TV series Stargate Atlantis, in which it was possible to fly an entire city off a planet into space, i.e. the city could actually be used as a spaceship. However, the energy requirements for this were enormous.

In Factorio, being able to move around large portions of your base as a mobile base sounds appealing to me. This could possibly be implemented using the Factorissimo mod, with the only difference being that the entrance is mobile.

However, since copying and pasting large portions of your base is relatively easy using blueprints and construction bots, I'm not sure if having a mobile base would actually be useful. But it would certainly be a cool thing to have. :-)
mrvn wrote:I think the car and train is just fine. But I want a Taxi service.
The following suggestion thread could be interesting:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=49193 Subway - easy player transportation