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Prototype reference list

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:56 pm
by nooby
I want to increase the size of the storage tank. I tried using the line

Code: Select all

data.raw["entity"]["storage-tank"].inventory_size = 25000,
in base-edit items.lua and entity.lua, to no avail.

1. Is there a list of item/entity names somewhere?
2. Am I using the wrong line of code?

Thanks in advance

Re: Prototype reference list

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:16 pm
by cartmen180
I believe it has something to do with the base_area. Try increasing that number and report your findings, i haven't yet played around with it.

For a list of item and entity names you should check the locale folder.

Re: Prototype reference list

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:23 pm
by JamesOFarrell
nooby wrote:1. Is there a list of item/entity names somewhere?
Prototype definitions and Lua objects

Re: Prototype reference list

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:42 am
by cartmen180
JamesOFarrell wrote:
nooby wrote:1. Is there a list of item/entity names somewhere?
Prototype definitions and Lua objects
that is a list of types to be precise :p
nevertheless very useful for modders ^^

Re: Prototype reference list

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:32 am
by JamesOFarrell
cartmen180 wrote:that is a list of types to be precise :p
nevertheless very useful for modders ^^
Whoops :)