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[idea] Singular chest
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:46 am
by Xecutor
Not sure if bugless implementation is possible, but still.
Chest with inventory shared between all instances
Re: [idea] Singular chest
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:26 am
by Boogieman14
Isn't that just called a Logistics Network?
Re: [idea] Singular chest
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:21 am
by CreeperDaReeper
Boogieman14 wrote:Isn't that just called a Logistics Network?
I believe he means how the Ender Chest works in Minecraft. You can build and place as many of the chests as you like, but the inventory of them will always be the exact same thing.
Say I had inserters pulling ore from a train into a row of such chests. Elsewhere I could have smart inserters pulling from the same kind of chests straight into furnaces.
Biggest upside: point to point transmission over any distance.
Biggest downside: extremely limited capacity since it can only ever hold the amount of a single chest.
Another downside would be that said chests would be expensive to research, expensive to create, and require vast amounts of electricity to run.
Re: [idea] Singular chest
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:31 am
by Boogieman14
Ah yes, that does sound somewhat different. While it's not a chest, wouldn't ... =14&t=3134 pretty much fill this purpose?
Re: [idea] Singular chest
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:34 am
by rk84
Something like ender chest from minecraft? Collecting items from multpile inventories could be done, but outputting items would be pain to mod. Atleast if you want it to work with inserters.
But for player only it could be done quite easy, mayby? Somethink like this.
Code: Select all
function onTick(event)
if == "singular-chest " then
-- what if chest has items? clear / abort / temporarely swap inventories?
fillChestWithSingularInventory(game.player.opened) -- Access glob.singular and insert loops items to chest.
opened = game.player.opened
elseif opened then -- player is not looking inside chest anymore
moveItems2SingularInventory(opened) -- Copies chest inventory to glob.singular and clears chest.
opened = nil
ps. Now that think more of this code. Its just same as adding more inventory slots to player. So It could be extend to collect inserted items from all singular chests, but inserter(s) could flood the system