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Viewing Outdated Servers - Server Browser

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:50 pm
by Bionicpenguin
Making 'wrong-version' servers show on the server browser screen, possibly with the text in a different colour. And maybe a tag saying what version the server is.

It's just a bit user un-friendly, to not see outdated servers at all on the list.
Could confuse new players who don't know about the quirk, and it's also hella annoying if you want to play on a server but don't know the version.

Often client auto-update several times between server updates on the Beta branch, and it's a right pain to have to through trial and error figure out which is the correct one, when you come back to playing on the server.

Re: Viewing Outdated Servers - Server Browser

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:04 pm
by Bilka
See also: 60269

I agree, an option to show servers of all versions would be nice.