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Automated fluid embarkation

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:33 pm
by ReasonX
Hello. Sorry, if my english will too bad.

I play with Angelsbob but have problem with vanilla mechanics.
I am using universal trains, drivered by combinators, for solid items transportation.
(All items just kicking in train by request and filtering\sorting again when unloading)

When im try to make same with fluids, ive got a problem with pumps who stores some fluid in itself, and do not get it back to input.
So i cant use any wagon to store any fluid, becouse input pump always can store some amount of previous fluid.
And no any auto-way to clean it up, to use one pipe for any fluid request.

Sooo, what can i do with this problem?

Re: Automated fluid embarkation

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 6:06 pm
by Saiph
Hi there.

I have always created transport systems which keep different types of fluid completely separate from each other. As you have found, if any fluid is left in a pipe or a pump, and a different fluid is sent through, all you get is contaminated fluid. I don't know of any method which can "clean out" a pipe or pump so that another fluid can be pumped though safely. I suggest using separate pipe systems for each type of fluid, and avoiding this problem. Good luck!

Re: Automated fluid embarkation

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:01 pm
by ReasonX
Saiph wrote:I don't know of any method which can "clean out" a pipe
All pipes sections have "drain" pump, whos enabled only if "input" pump disabled. Drain pumping fluids to burner or purifier.
No problems to cleanup pipes, but train pumps...

Re: Automated fluid embarkation

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 2:34 pm
by terror_gnom
I would use one drain-pump on the liquid wagon. You can wire it to the Trainstation to work if there is a liquid in the tank you dont want.