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Turret Range & Cliffs

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:41 pm
by _shifty
Turret range + or - depending on them being on top or bottom of a cliff.

Turret Range & Cliffs
I'm suggesting adding a bonus to turret range when placed above a cliff, in the direction of "down the cliff". And a reduction in turret range when placed at the foot of a cliff & trying to fire "up over" the cliff.

When above:

When Below:
or something along these lines

Because in my opinion, cliffs feel like an afterthought. They serve only one purpose in game, obstacles to be removed. That's pretty much it. If you're lucky, you can use some as wall sections and not need to worry about them going down. But they just don't feel tied to the gameplay in any meaningful way. I feel like this implementation would bring cliffs just a little bit more into base planning/design.