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What is a train limit?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 7:05 pm
by Xeizzen
How many trains could be simultaneously active and not idle in the depots?
Asking that because the logistics network is keeping active about 1500 drones, as I can tell (not sure of exact number), but it usually pointless to have more than 1000 drones (still a big estimate, so I can be wrong with my guessings).
And for LTN, how many trains can be simultaneously active?
I'm asking that because I am building a megabase which houses 500 trains (seen in my debug report screenshots), and I wonder was it even a good idea to keep that many trains, and even using this mod.

Re: What is a train limit?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 7:17 pm
by Optera
Limits? what are those?
If your network and pc can handle 500 or 1000 trains you can do that.

At around 100 trains Factorio's train pathfinding starts to take more processing time than LTN.
Fewer, bigger trains generally are more ups friendly both to LTN and to the base game.

Re: What is a train limit?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 9:51 pm
by jodokus31
It also helps to set provide and request thresholds close to a full train load, if possible. Otherwise it will trigger immediately as soon as a provider provides 1000 units (default value) (assuming, the item is heavily requested.)

If you have to edit 1000 train schedules by hand, its gonna be insane ;)

As last resort, you could also add mods to adjust stacksizes and/or add bigger cargo wagons