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[NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 9:35 pm
by DeltaKilo
I'm a new player, I downloaded quite notorious "568 hour factory" as a performance benchmark just to tune my settings and now almost all Steam achievements are unlocked. You're stricting players to have 0 mods even QoL ones to get Steam Achievements but casually loading a 3rd party save unlocks 90% of them.

Yes, I know I can reset it and I immediately did it but they are still there in activity tab in Steam.

My proposal is to strict saves to Steam/GoG/Factorio account for the purpose of checking achievements and lift a no-mod-rule because it doesn't make sense when achievement unlockers are a thing, for example i have to play Crusader Kings 2 with Cheat Engine to lift game checksum restriction to allow Steam Achievements just because mods that translate the game into Russian are changing checksum(the game supports only 127 byte encodings) and there is no decision to create Novgorod republic if your capital is not coastal.

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 9:47 pm
by DeltaKilo
I've got the savegame from this topic:

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 3:56 pm
by Deadlock989
DeltaKilo wrote:for example i have to play Crusader Kings 2 with Cheat Engine to lift game checksum restriction to allow Steam Achievements just because mods that translate the game into Russian are changing checksum(the game supports only 127 byte encodings) and there is no decision to create Novgorod republic if your capital is not coastal.
Wrong forum

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 5:02 pm
by quyxkh
Also, there's a "Delete achievements" button in the options.

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:27 pm
by Hedning1390
In multiplayer you have to have at least 50% presence in the game to get achievements, so I wonder why the same thing isn't applied to single player.

I don't agree with mods being allowed with achievements. If you do then you may as well allow /c too because they are basically the same. There is no way for the game to differentiate a QoL mod and a /c mod, it's even something players can have a debate over (I speak from experience), so you either have to ban them all or allow them all. I prefer banning them all. If you disagree with this then make a mod that reenables achievements in /c games.

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:29 pm
by Deadlock989
Hedning1390 wrote:In multiplayer you have to have at least 50% presence in the game to get achievements, so I wonder why the same thing isn't applied to single player.
How exactly would you have less than 100% presence in a single player game?

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:31 pm
by Hedning1390
As was the case with OP. He downloaded a game which had over 500h played by someone else, and got the achievements immediately on loading the map.

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:37 pm
by eradicator
The API Documentation on LuaPlayer wrote: online_time :: uint [Read-only]
How many ticks did this player spend playing this save (all sessions combined)
So the data is clearly there. It's just not being used.

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:37 pm
by Deadlock989
Hedning1390 wrote:As was the case with OP. He downloaded a game which had over 500h played by someone else, and got the achievements immediately on loading the map.
Then presumably single player doesn't know or care who the player actually is. You'd have to track which players had run the game, essentially a list of loads and saves. You could pass around a save file between multiple people, after all. Seems like a lot of work and extra overhead for what is basically a rare case that causes no lasting damage and can be undone by clicking a button.

On the other hand, some people from multi-user households seem to want to have Profiles which track your name, mod settings, player colour etc., which would be vaguely nice. Tracking who played would make more sense if that were really a thing, but it's not on the roadmap.

Re: [NotABug] Achievements on loaded games.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:39 pm
by eradicator
Deadlock989 wrote: Then presumably single player doesn't know or care who the player actually is. You'd have to track which players had run the game,
It knows, but doesn't care. Tracking is already implemented as per my above post.