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Targeted radar scanning

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:25 pm
by gorzak
Using a new radar scanning remote item, map sectors can be targeted for prioritized scanning over the current automated scanning method.

What ?
A new radar scanning remote
This would be an inexpensive controller ( 1 circuit, 1 iron plate? ) with functionality comparable to the artillery remote. When held in the hand, the map could be targeted, leaving a radar targeting mark. Targets would appear, creating a queue of prioritized sectors. As radars in range completed their scan cycle, they would attempt to pick a prioritized sector to scan. If successful, the targeting mark on the map would expire, and the normal scan mechanics of briefly appearing visible on the map would occur. If there no prioritized sectors in range of the radar, it would continue to perform it's current behavior.
A separate extended manual range for radars
Again comparable to the artillery, the range for manually targeted sectors could far exceed the current automated routine.
Research extends the manual sector scanning range of radar, optionally also the automatic sector scan range.
one research topic, or possibly add this bonus to artillery range research to ensure scanning range exceeds shell range.
No buff to the always visible radar range
Why ?
There are many situations where this would be useful. Early game, you could manually prioritize scanning around a newly discovered ore patch, biter nest, or follow a coastline when figuring out where to set up defenses. Late game, the radar is an inferior exploration tool compared to manually spammed artillery. Radar should be the tool for semi-automating exploration, not flying artillery shells. If the behavior of artillery were adapted and back ported to radar, this hybrid process of manually directed exploration automation could be relevant the entire game, instead of late game only.

Re: Targeted radar scanning

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 1:27 pm
by <NO_NAME>
I would use that.

Re: Targeted radar scanning

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 7:25 pm
by Bernardino
Yeah, that would be useful. An upgraded radar to do this would be awesome.