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[kovarex][for 0.17] Achievments Unreadable

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:58 pm
by notna88
The Achievments aren't readable.
Height of the Notes need to be bigger.

Re: [Twinsen][for 0.17] Achievments Unreadable

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:26 pm
by Twinsen
Normally I would say translators are responsible for making sure their texts fit, but since it's also broken in English, we'll look into it.

Re: [Twinsen][for 0.17] Achievments Unreadable

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:14 pm
by eradicator
Twinsen wrote:Normally I would say translators are responsible for making sure their texts fit...
Uhm. That statement makes me highly uncomfortable. You can't express all ideas in all languages in the same amount of screen space, that's not how translation works. A translator can use some tricks here and there to improve the situation if they're aware of the issue, but even that has its limits. I don't have a really good link on the subject, but maybe reading this can serve as a starting point to rethink your opinion on that matter: ... /3022#3022 .

Re: [Twinsen][for 0.17] Achievments Unreadable

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:12 pm
by Twinsen
Of course we will try to do it within reason.
But the general(work in progress) philosophy is:
- English has to look best and the layout should be optimized for English.
- Translators need to get creative to make sure their texts fit and looks good in the layouts we provide.
- We try to make reasonable space for translations by having most layouts have at least some percent of extra space as opposed to English. If the translations just does not fit we add an ugly fallback(usually adding a scrollbar). In rare extreme cases we will have hard limits to what can fit.

Of course the ideal solution is to make super flexible GUIs that can expand in any way and shape to accommodate for almost any text. But this is a huge limitation for the GUI designer that will just force all the GUIs to have ugly looking and simplified layouts. And game GUIs are usually do(and shlould do) a great job at showing much information an a compact and attractive way.
When working for the new GUIs on 0.17 we decided to take this "English first" approach to make the GUI look more attractive in the most common case(English and most languages).

Re: [Twinsen][for 0.17] Achievments Unreadable

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:52 pm
by notna88
I didn't check it in English, but if it works i'm fine with it.
The most important is to get the game running well in English prior other languages ;)
Just couldn't find the full message anywhere.

Thanks for the reply!

Re: [Twinsen][for 0.17] Achievments Unreadable

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:43 pm
by eradicator
Twinsen wrote:- Translators need to get creative to make sure their texts fit and looks good in the layouts we provide.
I'm perfectly fine with "English first" as a pragmatic standpoint, and i realize accomondating all languages is a huge if not insurmountable obstacle during GUI design. I was just triggered by your statement because it sounded like "if it doesn't fit it's always the trainslators fault". So i wanted to make you aware that there are also sometimes unsurmountable obstacles for the translator to make text fit into a certain length.

Here's what happend in TES4:Oblivion when the German translation tried to fit long words into the limited GUI space they were given. Overuse of (newly invented) abbreviations made the result almost completely unintelligble. The shitstorm was quite fabulous at the time.
bbrvtted.jpg (168.94 KiB) Viewed 4643 times

Re: [kovarex][for 0.17] Achievments Unreadable

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:34 pm
by kovarex
Fixed for the next version of 0.16

Re: [kovarex][for 0.17] Achievments Unreadable

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:25 pm
by notna88
Thanks, looks really nice!