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Current info in save-gui

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:53 am
by BenBlut
When entering a non-existent save-game name, the info-panel shows the info about the current game (especially time played)
What ?
When you enter/select a existing game in the save-panel, there is some info about the game on the right side of the GUI.
But if you enter a non-existing name, the info panel is empty.


By showing the mods, campaign, time played, difficulty, an user can use this info in his namingscheme.
To prevent that a user doesn't know anymore whether the game is existent or not, the screenshot and the "Delete savegame" should be hidden while entering a non-existent gamename.

Why ?
I want to use the played time in the name of my save game, but I have to use a serial number. But sometimes there is only 5 minutes difference and sometimes there is 5 hours difference. To add this in the name, makes it easier.