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[Dominik] [0.16.24] Scrollbar bug with mouse click down/up events

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:15 pm
by jonatkins
Minor issue with lost 'mouse up' events when using scroll bars.

1. Click down on the square button at the top/botom of a scroll bar
2. Move the pointer outside the button while holding down
3. Release the mouse button

Now, drag the scroll bar, or scroll by a page by clicking the light grey area. The list will scroll as if the scroll button was still pressed down. Workaround when it happens: click mouse button down/up on the offending slider (no dragging off) - suggests it's a lost 'mouse up' event or similar.

Not a huge issue, I agree - but I hit it accidentally a few times when trying to click and drag on a small scroll slider and accidentally hit the button instead.

Problem seen in train GUI scroll bars, and reproduced elsewhere (e.g. the mod list)
factorio-0.16.24-scroll-bar-button.png (50.54 KiB) Viewed 2784 times

Re: [Dominik] [0.16.24] Scrollbar bug with mouse click down/up events

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:44 am
by Dominik
Hi, thanks for the report. Fixed for next version.