streched out research for bots
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:50 am
As it is the bots are some pinnacle of automation, beeing able to to almost everthing with a single logistic bot, this area of the game should definitely streched out far more in terms of detail, research and usageWhat ?
Introduce some sub-resarch goals and bots to the existing techtreescratch the existing logistic bot or make them far expensiver, like so the nuclear process.
* introduce tailored logistic-bots for the items-groups (ores, intermediate, buildings,.....) with differing research, recipes and abilitys (speed, range, fuelusage)
* if the currently all purpose-legistic-bot will be keeped it should be a recipe with one of all the tailored bots plus some reinforcements (steel, Blue-card)
* make the existing logistic-port-area smaller and take on a infinite reseach for the area of
* limit bots per area to a significant small number( like 5 ) and introduce a traffic-control-building or module for more bots per area( could be also a way to get rid of all the efficiency modules)
* introduce early in the bot research tree a waypoint-system (before a area-based logisic port currently) for bots with additional waypoint-beacons (like small lamps), and make this (max travel path/waypoints researchable in the tech-tree, maybe also infinite) --> this could be streched out to some patroling bot-network for munition or repair patrols on far borders and could be emergency fix for some not so doable belt-connections
* if i can whish for i would also introduce a building-logistic-cargo-wagon for building purposes before the personal roboport
Why ?
I play without the logistic-bots, because i like the puzzeling to get the factory working.Logistic bots seem to make the belts and the puzzeling almost obsolete.
I like endlessy working inserters and belts and want to whip my factory, yes i know i am cruel
All the points above will naturally lead to some more expensiver research, usage and area requirement of logistic bots, but then the belts will be more or longer viable to use, so it could also help with the topic of bot-vs-belt (you will get my leaning on this matter i may think )
This will get also the factory growing, because of added processing, manufacturing, energy-need and need of installment.
Downside when really scratching the existing logistic bots some saves will not working anymore, so i would keep that as modding fodder or as very expensive reserach and bot.