Limited-use authentication tokens
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:08 pm
I suggest to give players possibility to get tokens with limited functionality.
There is currently 3 main options to run Factorio server:
1) own PC (can be unavailable for technical reasons);
2) VPS (costs money) or dedicated server (costs even more money);
3) use Factorio hostings (requires passing account token for account).
The latter option has risk of leaking this token, which can then be used to connect to game under corresponding account.
As long as there is no currently known method of changing token (57284), I suggest to give players tokens, whos functionality will be limited (single use / time limit / server only / others).
There is currently 3 main options to run Factorio server:
1) own PC (can be unavailable for technical reasons);
2) VPS (costs money) or dedicated server (costs even more money);
3) use Factorio hostings (requires passing account token for account).
The latter option has risk of leaking this token, which can then be used to connect to game under corresponding account.
As long as there is no currently known method of changing token (57284), I suggest to give players tokens, whos functionality will be limited (single use / time limit / server only / others).