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[0.16] Bob plates and bioprocessing

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:50 pm
by Jelmergu
I had a problem with loading your bioprocessing mod. I found out that in bio-processing-override.lua you check for bobplates and when it is on you change some of your recipe's to incorporate bobplates stuff.

It seems that bobingabout has moved some items from one mod to the other since the first writing of bioprocessing I found the following items were no longer in bobplates:
- steel-pipe for the temperate,desert and swamp upgrades. Nowfound in boblogistics.
- wooden-board for the circuit-paper-board. Now found in bobelectronics

Re: [0.16] Bob plates and bioprocessing

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:36 am
by giantkin
After alot of trial and error....

Bobs Logistic mod must be Active to use Angels Bio (alpha update)

(all latest versions of this date etc)

Started clean, and added things until it worked....

Wanted to due pure angels... but was unable.