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A way to know logistic needs

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:05 pm
by Gnark
You see the notification on the map that are saying that logistic bot need some stuff to complete the build. Make them readable and usable by circuit network.

What ?
Factorio is a game of automation. Dev think some information are important enough to give them to the player on his screen but are not usable by the game ??
No way. Please make a way that we can retrieve by the circuit network the need of the
logistic network. For example a cable connected to a roboport that will give this cable what is need and how many for the logistic network of this roboport.

Why ?
Won't that be cool to know that your outpost has face and attack and need 10 mining drill and 5 belts ? And then set a train to deliver them ??

Re: A way to know logistic needs

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 1:30 pm
by steinio
There are already a lot of topics about Logistic Networks should output needed stuff as negative number.

Re: A way to know logistic needs

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:15 pm
by mp0011
All you need is chest with some spare objects. If bots use it to replace destroyed ones, you can detect it and send request for resuply.