[0.16.16] Pump ignores fluidbox filter.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:52 pm
Setting a filter on the fluidbox of a pump (not offshore-pump) via API suggests that setting the filter works (i.e. returns true) but the pump still pumps unfiltered fluids.
I tried setting the filter in various settings, on an empty pump, a newly build one and one that still contained old liquid, with or without force=true. but nothing works. It works fine on pipes/tanks. And on assemblers attempting to set a filter returns "false" as expected.
Expected behavior: The pump should only accept the filtered fluid :D.
Code: Select all
/c game.print(serpent.line(game.player.selected.fluidbox.set_filter(1,{name='lubricant',force=true})))
/c game.print(serpent.line(game.player.selected.fluidbox.get_filter(1)))
--{maximum_temperature = 100, minimum_temperature = 25, name = "lubricant"}
/c game.print(serpent.line(game.player.selected.fluidbox[1]))
--{amount = 200, name = "heavy-oil", temperature = 25.000000000000501}
Expected behavior: The pump should only accept the filtered fluid :D.