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[new rail] [new underground belt] 2 ideas

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:18 pm
by tommmmmm
idea 1:
New rail type - the rails we have look kinda like a steel on wood... maybe let's introduce some new rail type ? like this: ... 0x1005.jpg

idea 2:
New underground belt type - simply a LONGER version. Or maybe a science that gives +1 length.

Game design reasons:
1. two way rail plus T crossing and X crossing (even as blueprints) are enough for satisfactory rail system. Players may or may not experiment further with the system. Element of planning is diminished due to inexpensiveness of base components.
2. It's the same with steel and electric furnace setups - most compact setups have to be rebuilt from scratch to accomodate for electrics'. This is actually good - it engages the players in 'tinkering' and ultimately brings more game satisfaction. Same could be caused by longer underground belts.

Bonus idea:
New (or science upgrades) to a... radar.

Re: [new rail] [new underground belt] 2 ideas

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:57 pm
by Tekky
It would be easier to discuss your suggestions if you only posted one suggestion per thread, as recommended in this forum announcement, and if you used the suggestion template.

It is harder to discuss several unrelated suggestions in the same thread.

Giving each of your ideas its own thread would also allow you to write more about your individual ideas. For example, with idea #1, it would allow you to write more about the differences between your proposed "new rail type" compared to the existing rail type. Apart from the graphics, you made no statement about what the differences should be.

About idea #2: The devs have been thinking about adding underground belt length research, but, according to Factorio Friday Facts #189, discarded the idea because blueprints would not work anymore.

About idea #3 ("bonus idea"): Yes, I like the idea of additional radar research. However, you did not state in what way the radar should be better. Should it have larger range? Or should it scan faster? Or both?