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Filtered or locked toolbelt slot get blueprint if items 0

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:12 am
by AndrewIRL
I have certain spots on my toolbelt filtered (middle-click) for certain items. I tend to run out of these items.

So I have a filtered toolbelt spot with no items, I click on the empty spot and ... nothing happens. What I would like to happen is that I get a blueprint of that item in my cursor which I can use (and which is auto-destroyed as soon as I stop using it) to keep placing items.
Filtered Toolbelt sample
Filtered Toolbelt sample
Filtered Toolbelt.png (132.23 KiB) Viewed 1540 times
The sample shows the left half of a toolbelt with all filters and no items. Clicking on anything I would like to get a blueprint.

Re: Filtered or locked toolbelt slot get blueprint if items 0

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:44 am
by Jap2.0
That's planned for 0.17 :).

Re: Filtered or locked toolbelt slot get blueprint if items 0

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:02 am
by Sad_Brother
I am completely agree with this way. It would perfectly solve the problem of planning placement of items you do not have currently.
The only way to improve this suggestion is to give phantom items, not blueprint. But the difference is purely interface,

Re: Filtered or locked toolbelt slot get blueprint if items 0

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:22 am
by AndrewIRL
Jap2.0 wrote:That's planned for 0.17 :).
I read that FFF and completely forgot. My mistake, this is already covered - you are correct.

FF#191 wrote:As a bonus, this goes well with another idea: building ghost buildings without having the required item. When you click a shortcut for something you don't have any items of, you grab a ghost of that item in your cursor. Placing the ghost item places a ghost of the building. It's a common situation where you build something and you run out of inserters. So instead of crafting more or running to the other side of the base to get more, you can place ghosts, continuing to focus on designing what you are building instead of being distracted.