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Running out of Iron on New Hope 2

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:31 pm
by purple_pixie
So, I've researched the automated railway, and now it wants thousands of various things in my inventory.

I have set everything up to automatically craft my piercing rounds and steel bars and whatnot, but I don't have anywhere near enough Iron ore to craft what is required of me. Am I meant to just construct the railway stuff first, and go and find these long-distance mines it was talking about?

Given how objectives are usually set up, I'm given the distinct impression that gathering all these resources is just the next step in getting to the far away mines so I can start getting at their precious resources.

Am I just reading this wrong, and should I be constructing trains and railways and finding a new source of iron? Or am I somehow special and I've managed to use up a lot more iron than was expected of me (I have no idea on what. Probably science)

Re: Running out of Iron on New Hope 2

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:51 pm
by JSCarter
Your guess is right, build the railway first.

I believe the scenario is set up such that you have to get the "far-away" iron in order to complete it.

Re: Running out of Iron on New Hope 2

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:58 pm
by purple_pixie
That makes sense.

The instructions are fairly unclear, and definitely make it seem like you should be doing the current objective in order to get to these mines.

Hopefully I still have enough iron and steel to actually construct this railway ... don't really fancy starting this one over.
Although it would definitely look more organised the second time since I know what I want to build.

Something simple like an intermediary objective of "repair the railway" (though that's hard to detect / enforce) or "build x mines at the far-away iron deposit" would be nice to clarify it, and tell you that you won't be able to complete the next objective until you do that.

Re: Running out of Iron on New Hope 2

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:05 pm
by -root
I hate this mission. It took me over 4 hrs to complete... I'm doing a playthrough of the campaigns currently:


Hopefully that gives you some ideas on how to complete it :D

Re: Running out of Iron on New Hope 2

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:26 pm
by FishSandwich
Actually I thought the instructions were pretty clear. After researching railways the game literally tells you that it'd be a good idea to start working towards utilizing the distant ore mines.

Re: Running out of Iron on New Hope 2

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:45 am
by -root
Also, before I forget... I probably played the scenario in the worst way possible. Don't take my example as a "max efficiency" run :D

Re: Running out of Iron on New Hope 2

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:59 am
by Align
FishSandwich wrote:Actually I thought the instructions were pretty clear. After researching railways the game literally tells you that it'd be a good idea to start working towards utilizing the distant ore mines.
That's the problem, it tells you to start working towards it and gives you a bunch of objectives at the same time, so it seems like you're expected to get all that stuff prepared in order to be adequately equipped for reclaiming the rail stations. All that really needs to be changed though is to say "There, now I can get the distant mines set up again. That should let me prepare for an assault on the biter base!" or some such on completion of the research objective.

Re: Running out of Iron on New Hope 2

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:00 pm
by transportman
purple_pixie wrote:Hopefully I still have enough iron and steel to actually construct this railway ... don't really fancy starting this one over.
Although it would definitely look more organised the second time since I know what I want to build.
I just build long transport belts from the far mines to my base, as I couldn't figure out railways nicely (did that later in a freeplay game).