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Score system with new worlds.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:24 pm
by PanteraSan
Hello, I would like to propose a scoring system, maybe even with ranked stats and etc.
It needs polishing out the idea.
It would be based on two types of game, the science race (rockets per minute count, or space science processed by minute).
The second would be a "hardcore marathon" game mode.
What ?
First of all, the new Score Record game would need basic rules, like:
-Can't be started on peaceful mode.
-Can't be started with bitters set too low.
-Pollution and evolution settings needs to be at default level.
-Maybe resources need to be in a set level too?

Score is set when you die for the first time, or when some time has passed.
Scoring to the ranking system is no more recorded if the player load up a game that he already died, it continue to count just like a personal stat.
It would need some protection in these saves, to avoid some people "hacking" up the score, or continue playing after a death.

Space Race:
Add a score for the player sending as many rockets he can, or processing space science in a new infinite "advanced technology" research.
Two types of score in this game mode: first blood or when time runs out (player select one on starting the game).

Hardcore Marathon
In this game game, resources of all kinds can be set freely, but it affects the score.
The game starts out normally. When the players launch the first rocket, the map is "won".
Player get some score based on the settings he chosed on, and then he goes to another planet.
This another planet are only another name to a new game, but this time all the resources and settings are randomized, like resources richness, bitters setting, or the science related stuff (expensive recipes and the science multiplier for researchs).
To add some effect, maybe even the starting biome can be random?
The game continues to "reset" after first rocket, adding score after every map, always based on the conditions the player got on that map.
The "new map randomnes" can be influenced by the player, sending some itens with the rocket. Sending 5000 coal with the rocket would set the next map coal settings to "very rich".
Game stops when the player dies, that's when the score is set. If the player loads up this game, no score can be awarded anymore (maybe can be still counted for player stats).

These scores can be a part of a ranked system, to show off some feats and incentive the players to continue trying to improve their scores.

Why ?
It would add some "arcade style competition" to the players. They would race to beat their own scores and to get the name on the rankings.
Imho, a ranking system of some sort are a nice addition to any game, and the idea of launching yourself with the rocket to colonize other planet is likeable.

Re: Score system with new worlds.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:40 am
by FactorioParadox
If this is supposed to keep track of all the players playing Factorio, then the scores can be stored online.