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[wheybags]Flamethrower range inconsistencies

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:06 am
by Lizzy
I'm going to report two things at once here. One is a bug for sure, the second one, eh, it's more of a design problem that I don't really know how to solve.

There are two ways to see flamethrower turret range:

1. green area while placing
2. red area while in map view

These are slightly different right now. The green area is symmetrical while the red area isn't. You can see the screenshot the little bit of extra green area to the right. It's not much, but it does touch ever-so-slightly one square extra.
assymetrical-red-area.png (2.21 MiB) Viewed 2758 times
For the design problem, consider the following wall:
railway attack.png
railway attack.png (1.84 MiB) Viewed 2758 times
Bad idea, right?

I would want to make sure my fire turrets won't burn my locomotives as they come in, or worse yet, as they come out.

However I did some testing and it turns out that my stuff is in danger about 3 blocks away from the official flamethrower range. And that kind of sucks. I understand it to mean it'll target enemies only when they walk into the range, which is also important to know.

So I don't know, is there a good way to communicate both things?

Or maybe the flamethrower can be smarter and avoid throwing fire at our stuff?

Or maybe wagons can have a one second grace period before receiving any fire damage (which is somewhat realistic, because file damages things by raising the temperature, and that takes a few seconds to happen).

Thanks for this amazing game <3 Ekevoo

Re: [wheybags]Flamethrower range inconsistencies

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 2:22 pm
by wheybags
The overlay bug is fixed for 0.16.16.
As for the suggestion about flamethrowers targeting, I'd say make a thread over on the Ideas and Suggestions board. Personally, I'd be against it, as the current behaviour makes sense to me. I'd say, if you don't want your trains flamed, just don't build flame turrets in range of them.
Anyway, thanks for the report!

Re: [wheybags]Flamethrower range inconsistencies

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:27 pm
by Lizzy
Thank you!

(edited out comment about the design thing, I'll make a suggestion thread some other day)