Efficiency Modules should reduce Energy Drain
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 11:51 pm
Putting Efficiency Modules in machines should also reduce their passive energy drain.What?
Terms I will use:Consumption: power consumption when a machine is active (example: Assembling Machine in the process of crafting an Engine Unit)
Drain: power consumption when a machine is idle (example: Assembling Machine can't craft anything because it ran out of Steel Plates)
Currently, Efficiency Modules reduce consumption.
Efficiency Modules should reduce drain in addition to reducing consumption.
Example numbers for the sake of discussion: (consumption is same as base game)
Tier 1: -3.33333% drain, -30% consumption
Tier 2: -10% drain, -40% consumption
Tier 3: -30% drain, -50% consumption
(Note how each tier is significantly better than the one before, to provide an incentive for using higher tiers.)
(Also note how the reduction in drain is smaller than reduction in consumption. That, I think, is extremely important because if energy drain is supposed to be a challenge, these modules shouldn't take away the challenge, only lessen it slightly.)
(The consumption could use some balancing, but that is for another thread.)
1) Logical Sense: It makes sense that Efficiency Modules should reduce drain like they reduce consumption, just to a lesser extent.2) More options for modders: The API currently doesn't support modules that reduce drain. If this feature was added, it would allow modders to get more creative with their new modules.
3) More useful: Implementing this feature would give players more of a reason to use Efficiency Modules.
4) The silly reason: If you hover over a module in your inventory, you'll see its effects. The Efficiency Module only has 1 effect, Speed Modules have 2 effects, and Productivity Modules have 3 effects. If this feature was implemented, Efficiency Modules would have 2 effects, and they would look like they were more useful. Might that have some psychological effect on players?