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Rate my smelting setup

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:09 pm
by restafval
Hi all,

First time on this forum.
I've made (what i think this is) a max throughput smelting array. (in sandbox mode to test arround before building this in my base)
All smelters have 20% prod. 370% speed module.
This smelter setup is between trainstations so trains will supply my main bus and other factory parts with copper and iron plates.
I use 1 input chest and as few output chests as possible.
Because i use 1 input chest bots wont have to look where to dump it and reduces traveltime of bots.

Input is 2.4K/m output is 2.8K/m

Is this the most efficient/fastest smelting setup or did i overlook something?

(last picture is only a overview. needs allot of work.)
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Re: Rate my smelting setup

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:26 am
by DutchBully
2.8K on 2 belts is bad, as you can do 2.4K on ONE fully compressed blue belt (hence my post 2 topics down)
But as your new, you'll doctor new ways and angles to tackle problems, I started the same way.

Re: Rate my smelting setup

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:19 am
by quyxkh
Five of that should exactly fill six belts, that's a really nice use of space there, plus the duplication will get you good reuse on the beacons. Kudos.

Re: Rate my smelting setup

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:50 am
by restafval
@dutchbully this gives me a fully compressed input belt and a flexible output belt. this reduces bot traffic on the input side. could you explain to me why this setup is bad? 15of these gives exactly 18 fully compressed blue belts but i'm using bots to fill trains.

Re: Rate my smelting setup

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:30 pm
by socket
It's a decent setup. You could try to fit some more power poles to power both beacons columns from inside.

I'm not sure what you mean when saying "most efficient/fastest smelting setup". It's possible to make longer setups smelting more than one input belt, although they likely will be a bit wider. As far as space efficiency goes, this setup is 18 beacons long and produces 1.2 belts of plates. Typical setup producing just one belt is 14 beacons long, and so produces a bit more per area (1/14 = 0.071 > 0.067 = 1.2/18).