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[.16] Inline compressing steel smeltery block. Red output.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:58 pm
by SQLek
I'm using 2x24 steel smelters from almost beginning, to past first few rockets. But original design had problem in .16 "compression".

Design is compact and tileable, also works in .16. I attach left and right fueling variant.
Setup needs some heat up time, where upper furnaces build buffer and lower one-two partially starve.

I hope somebody will find it useful.
regular.png (4.74 MiB) Viewed 2776 times

Re: [.16] Inline compressing steel smeltery block. Red output.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:49 pm
by spaghetti335
Does this work consistently? I've been playing around with combinator-controlled compression, but I always seem to get spontaneous decompression (an item on the belt jumps forwards several spaces) making it impossible.

I'm not doubting that the *logic* of your build is sound, but with the bugs I just can't get it to work consistently.