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End game idea

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:47 am
by REDDGrrr
How to use bitters and nuclear energy in the end game to make player actually use them?
What ?
I have finally launched a rocket for the first time in 0.16x version after 17 hours of gameplay - I got white vials from sending a satellite and I had bitters turned off as they are at the moment just an annoyance. I understand they are a placeholder for future content, same with Nuclear energy? Well, me thinking about that, I came up with this scheme how to make it all together:

The player is a space traveler who crashed on unknown planet, right? At the moment he just launches a rocket with a satellite which finishes a game (and yes, I can still spend hundreds of hours in the game, tuning up my factory and thats exactly what I am doing now. I still didn't even got the circuits and signals and all). Well, imagine this:

1) There is a big bitter boss Queen, kind of a worm that is hidden underneath the earth.

2) After player launches a satellite, this satellite will scan whole map and gives a player a position of this boss. This boss has special ingredient necessary for FTL travel and also, during a crash, part of the ship with blueprints in it dropped into its nest. There will be valuable blueprints to build a rocket that can do FTL travel with a player inside, hence he can leave the planet.

3) This boss can be defeated only by nuclear missiles or another advanced weaponry that may follow (lasers, plasma rifles, hydrogen bomb?) and looots of firepower to get to him through waves of bitters.

4) To make the Bitter Boss Queen spawned, bitters would have to go through their evolution process until the end, hence they need to be turned on throughout the whole game if player wants to finish this with a story line inside.
Why ?
Finishing the game still feels kind of weird. Launching a rocket with a satellite in it finishes the game, bitters have no other use then just forcing player to leave everything behind and go fixing the damage. Or build really great base defense. I was trying to think of how to connect all existing aspects into hopefully enjoyable end game.

This wouldn't much change a thing in its current content, it would just continue the existing one. After Satellite lunch, whole map would be revealed and bitters boss position will be given. Then production of nuclear silos and warheads would commence and then there will be an action part to give a reason of this awesome weapon arsenal and energy suits to go kill the Bitter Boss Queen. I imagine that a little bit like attacking Zerg Base in Starcraft. Killing the Queen, player would obtain some special material and perhaps new research tree for FTL