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[0.16.X] Heavy FPS Drops when Aliens Corpse are on screen

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:07 pm
by Kuchikucha

I'm experimentig really odd FPS Drops from time to time.
I usually run over 30 FPS, if not 60 but it seems that from the moment there is a biter corpse on screen it goes down to 3 or 4 FPS. (one single biter is enough to get the FPS to drastically drop)

I think this is related to it but i can't explain why.

I am on mac OS X.12, 8 GB RAM, NVIDIA GT FORCE 330M.

Which informations/logs could i provide to help you with the problem ?

Thanks in advance


Re: [0.16.X] Heavy FPS Drops when Aliens Corpse are on screen

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 6:55 pm
by Zavian
The logs might be helpful, also the screenshots requested in viewtopic.php?f=7&t=51319.

Re: [0.16.X] Heavy FPS Drops when Aliens Corpse are on screen

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:03 pm
by Kuchikucha
Here are the logs.
Latest logs
(5.99 KiB) Downloaded 180 times
I will get some screenshots if ever needed even if i'm not sure that would add anything.

Re: [0.16.X] Heavy FPS Drops when Aliens Corpse are on screen

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:09 pm
by Loewchen
Do you know how much VRAM your graphics card has? I believe apple released macbooks with 330M with only 256MB. If you do not know, try reducing the memory usage in the settings or the graphics quality setting and see if that helps.

Re: [0.16.X] Heavy FPS Drops when Aliens Corpse are on screen

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:05 pm
by Kuchikucha
Loewchen wrote:Do you know how much VRAM your graphics card has? I believe apple released macbooks with 330M with only 256MB. If you do not know, try reducing the memory usage in the settings or the graphics quality setting and see if that helps.
Hi, thanks for the advice, I started testing the different graphical options but no great amelioration.
I can get down to 7 FPS and not 4, but this sill remains unplayable.

NVIDIA GeForce 330M has 288Mo : 256Mo VRAM but is allowed to use CPU Ram to compensate.
NEver had the problem before 0.15.X and i can run many 512Mo VRAM Minimal requierements games

Re: [0.16.X] Heavy FPS Drops when Aliens Corpse are on screen

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:14 pm
by posila
Hi, default graphics options for your configuration would be:
Video Memory Usage: Medium,
Atlas texture size: 4096
Sprite resolution: Normal

So, do you have the issue also with default values?

If possible, also save the game at the point when you have the issue and post the save here, including current log. It might help uncover performance bugs or optimization opportunities.

Re: [0.16.X] Heavy FPS Drops when Aliens Corpse are on screen

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:58 pm
by Kuchikucha
HI posila,

Thanks for the information about the optimal settings. It seems to work for now ( only 1 biter corpse) i'll let you know if i have any problems with it anytime soon.