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^What about the rest?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:32 am
by nuhll
ive got a problem, im tryin out multi supply / demand station.

Everything works, besides one thing: 1. train wants copper ore 3999, 2. train wants iron ore 3999

First train get served perfectly,but second iron ore train gets e.g. 15 copper ore, so he cant fulfill 3999 iron ore and waits till timeout, solution? I set stack bonus to 1, no effect. "wait for inactivy" is also enabled (standard) which should prevent that.

Also i have the problem 1 L CC trains gets deliverys with 6000+ items (can only hold 4000) - wtf?

Re: ^What about the rest?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:38 pm
by thelastwalle
I have a filterinserter set to the other ore that empties the train.

This just happens when the inserters have left overs on them when the train leaves. So the next train get this leftovers from the train before.
It's easy to circuit when you have for example 4 or 5 different items. But i think this would not easily work if you have an universal provider for many things.

This is my setup for example(i cutted it after the first cargowagon):

Code: Select all


Re: ^What about the rest?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:50 am
by nuhll
I just wonder taht this bug still exists, i used LTN some while ago with the same bug.

Why LTN cant just adjust the sizes he wants when he see theres already something IN it?

Re: ^What about the rest?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 6:16 am
by Optera
nuhll wrote:I just wonder taht this bug still exists, i used LTN some while ago with the same bug.
It's working as intended.
Why LTN cant just adjust the sizes he wants when he see theres already something IN it?
Building around such intentional limitations is part of Factorios charm.
It's up to each player to either use dumb stations doing dumb things like dropping residue from previous deliveries into wagons, or come up with smart station designs loading exactly what the train requests. See design thread.
LTN gives you the tools, if you use a fork to eat soup that's not LTNs problem.

Re: ^What about the rest?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:37 am
by nuhll
Ah yeah, i forgett you do this intentional..