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Updated to v16 today and all ore infinite

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:30 am
by kingarthur
ya so i updated factorio to .16 today and updated mod list. i started a new game and noticed that outside of the default rail world starting area all ore patches are infinite ores and not a single regular patch. is that intended or some kinda bug?

Re: Updated to v16 today and all ore infinite

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:04 am
by orzelek
It looks like something went wrong in migrating mod settings.
Try going to mod settings and look there for infinite ores option or just reset them and set up from scratch.

Re: Updated to v16 today and all ore infinite

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:09 am
by kingarthur
orzelek wrote:It looks like something went wrong in migrating mod settings.
Try going to mod settings and look there for infinite ores option or just reset them and set up from scratch.
oh alright. i keep forgetting thats a thing now. ill play with the settings later then

Re: Updated to v16 today and all ore infinite

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:31 pm
by mtilsted
orzelek wrote:It looks like something went wrong in migrating mod settings.
Try going to mod settings and look there for infinite ores option or just reset them and set up from scratch.
I have the same issue. I have installed Bobs and Angels mods with the exception of Bio Precessing.

Smething like 80% of all minerals areas outside the starting area are infinite. I did reset my mod settings before creating a new map, and all ore patch settings show default values in the create map settings thing.

Is there a specific specific setting to control ration of normal to infinite areas?

I am playing with the newest Factorio (0.16.12)

Just an updated observation:
When doing a "Reset" of settings, the infinite ore goes to frequency "normal" and size is set to "normal". This is the same settings as all other ores, which I don't suppose is how it should be. Should infinite ore not be less frequent and smaller then normal ores?

And also: Even when setting the size to "Very small", the infinite ore patches are as big as normal ore patches.

Re: Updated to v16 today and all ore infinite

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:32 pm
by mtilsted
I think something is not working with the frequency settings. Here is a mapstring for a map, containing only rubyte(Set to very high frequency) and infinite rubyte(set to very low frequency).

But If I load it in the sandbox, and then just scroll up, and count the number of different patches, there are as many "ruby patches" as there are "infinite ruby patches". Which seems wrong, given one is set to very low, and the other to very high frequency.

If I reverse it, so "Rubyte" is set to very low, and "Infinite rubyte" is set to very high, something like 90% of all patches are infinite ruby.


Re: Updated to v16 today and all ore infinite

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:45 am
by mtilsted
Infinite ore is also buggy without any other mods. If you install it alone with 0.16.12 and generate a map with all standard settings, 90% of coal, iron stone and copper will be infinite ore.

But that got me thinking. Playing on a map where all ores not in starting area are infinite ores might be an interesting challenge since it will require interesting liquids as soon as I expand out of the starting area. Maybe I will try that, together with my "No containers of any kind" rules :)