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[Dominik] [0.16.5] [for 0.17] Chest GUI wrong after copy from other chest

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:48 pm
by alefu
When you copy the limitation setting from one chest to another while the target chest's GUI is open, the GUI is not updated correctly. It is somehow in a state between having a limitation and not having one. (Hard to describe, just try yourself...

Re: [0.16.5] Chest GUI wrong after copy from other chest

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:25 pm
by Dominik
We will need to develop some system for better updating GUIs, it is a similar issue to 55010.

Re: [Dominik] [0.16.5] [for 0.17] Chest GUI wrong after copy from other chest

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:52 pm
by Dominik
Okey, fixed, but by a new gui update system that will be in 0.17.

It was actually this tiny bug report that started creation of that new system.

Me: Hey, I got this bug, what is the right way to updat a gui from the game?
Kovarex: Well, there is no right way. You can do it this way and that way.
Me: Ok, will do.
Kovarex: And how about we make a proper system for it?
Me: ...