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[16.1] Very tightly packed belt

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:20 pm
by Numericality
I just noticed this on the recent update, I didn't find this anywhere else on the bug reports forum and it wasn't in the known issues or in the "not a bug" post.

1. What did you do?
I rotated a yellow belt that is on the ground that contains iron plate on it with iron plate being fed onto it by another yellow belt beside it.

2. What happened?
The iron got packed together very tightly, unlike anything I have seen before. Rotating the belt continues to pack it even tighter until there is around 100 iron plate on on square grid of yellow belt.

3. What did you expect to happen instead?
That the yellow belt would stay just as packed as it normally would when being fed iron plate by another yellow belt.

Attached is a GIF of showing how to replicate this 'bug'. If this is supposed to happen and I just haven't seen it yet, I'm sorry for this post!

Re: [16.1] Very tightly packed belt

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:22 pm
by Numericality
Apparently I didn't have the most recent forum posts? Because I just did a search again and found my exact bug here: viewtopic.php?f=58&t=54606

Don't know what happened with my forum searching that made it not find that post!