1. For me, it's pastel green on a medium-dark gray. I'm using the Factorio board theme due to the other two being incredibly hideous to look at design wise and way too bright to comfortably enjoy browsing during the evening hours. I'm assuming you're using one of those two bright ones otherwise this part of the conversation wouldn't be happening.
Not to mention,
medium-dark to dark gray is where every pastel color looks amazing.
Just sayin'.
Also, my reasoning for doing it is because for as long as I can remember, whenever I'm active on a forum, I usually use colored text to depict whatever mood I may be in during that post or over the course of a browsing/posting session.
While it may not seem all that important to you, it's become second nature to me and could almost be described as a ritual. Regardless, I'll try and do my best to avoid using any kind of color while in this part of the forum.
This is what it looks like to me.
2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I checked we were in Contributions, Modding Discussions, and uh, Modding Discussion.
Sure, I could have placed it in "Modding Help," where it might have been a better idea to do so seeing as the description to that sub-forum clearly states, "Place to get help with
not working mods / modding interface."
Maybe I'm mistaken, but even if I hadn't missed "Modding Help" by literally one sub-forum, had I placed it there, I still would've been in the right place seeing as the issue I'm facing has to do with a mod... you know...
not working.
Or at least not working fully/the way it should be. Either way, what you said and how you said it made it seem as if I missed the mark by an entire section of the forum when I nearly hit the nail flush.
Aaaaaaanyway, I apologize for coming off half-cocked. You caught me at a bad time and in an even worse mood. What do you say we get back to the topic I posted this thread about.
I figured the Nanobot mod was a super popular mod among Factorian modders. I figured bringing up the Nanobot emitter and both type of nanos was enough to describe the mod. It's by Nexela and they're early-game robots that you can use to construct blueprints, that have been laid down as long as you have the resources/machines in your inventory, or to cut down trees quickly.
Having the emitter equipped is supposed to cause the nanos to work automatically as you pass by trees or blueprints. Neither one of those two things work for me and I can't seem to find the solution. I checked the options to the mod and there was an option that switched between automatic and manual nanos. I made sure it was set to automatic thinking that's what the issue was, but when I got back into game, it still refused to work. I came here to find the solution to the issue because I know there's someone lurking around this forum that knows the answer, so here I wait.
Again, I apologize for the half-cocked response.