Multipurpose Thread | New Player
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:55 am
Hi everyone, I'm gonna do my best to keep this short and sweet. I've only been playing Factorio for a few days, but during that short amount of time, I've been unable to pull myself away.
I've already posted a thread over on the Reddit and have discovered that the community is rather welcoming to new players, which isn't something I can say about a lot of games.
Here's the link to the thread over there. ... ayer_here/
There's no need to go there as I'll post all the info here, but I figured I'd add it just in case someone was curious.
Anyway, at first I was having a difficult time keeping a world that I enjoyed, but that changed when I made my current world, but I still have some issues and I figured posting them here would be the best place to get those issues resolved.
I also wanna keep this as a multipurpose thread where I can post my progress and any issue I may come across. I find communicating to actual people an easier means of learning, so I hope I'm not out of line here.
Anyway, let's get to what I came here for.
I didn't include any blueprints as none of what I've created here is worth using to anyone.
I want to apologize for the images being so large.
I tried using the collapsible spoiler, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Also, if this is the incorrect place to post this, I apologize. I checked the forums for a more suitable spot, but didn't notice anything.
This is my current starter base configuration. It may not be the prettiest of setups, but it works. I do believe I'll end up redoing my science areas, obviously, but for now it works for just red/green.
My current ratio is: 1 Miner - 2 Furnaces
I have 36 Furnaces in each column with only 3 columns activated and as you can see, I only have 1 main belt pumping all the iron ore into 5 different splitters which splits the iron onto 6 different belts leading to the respective column.
There are currently 16 miners for the coal belt and 34 miners for the iron belt. That's going off my 2-1 ratio.
My question though, will the way I have everything set up work in the long run? After the research I've done proved my ratios wrong, I'm unsure whether or not I have to scrap everything and start from scratch.
I also have a few miners on the seam between the coal/iron and there's a small setup there to separate those two and place them on the main belt.
If any of what I said up there isn't explained right, let me know and I'll get t
I've already posted a thread over on the Reddit and have discovered that the community is rather welcoming to new players, which isn't something I can say about a lot of games.
Here's the link to the thread over there. ... ayer_here/
There's no need to go there as I'll post all the info here, but I figured I'd add it just in case someone was curious.
Anyway, at first I was having a difficult time keeping a world that I enjoyed, but that changed when I made my current world, but I still have some issues and I figured posting them here would be the best place to get those issues resolved.
I also wanna keep this as a multipurpose thread where I can post my progress and any issue I may come across. I find communicating to actual people an easier means of learning, so I hope I'm not out of line here.
Anyway, let's get to what I came here for.
I didn't include any blueprints as none of what I've created here is worth using to anyone.
I want to apologize for the images being so large.
I tried using the collapsible spoiler, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Also, if this is the incorrect place to post this, I apologize. I checked the forums for a more suitable spot, but didn't notice anything.
This is my current starter base configuration. It may not be the prettiest of setups, but it works. I do believe I'll end up redoing my science areas, obviously, but for now it works for just red/green.
Now this is where things are gonna get a little lengthy. This is the current setup I have for my smelting columns. I set them up with a configuration that I thought was correct, but I've done some research and it appears what I have may not be the most productive. My current ratio is: 1 Miner - 2 Furnaces
I have 36 Furnaces in each column with only 3 columns activated and as you can see, I only have 1 main belt pumping all the iron ore into 5 different splitters which splits the iron onto 6 different belts leading to the respective column.
There are currently 16 miners for the coal belt and 34 miners for the iron belt. That's going off my 2-1 ratio.
My question though, will the way I have everything set up work in the long run? After the research I've done proved my ratios wrong, I'm unsure whether or not I have to scrap everything and start from scratch.
I also have a few miners on the seam between the coal/iron and there's a small setup there to separate those two and place them on the main belt.
Here's there output for the full array. Will I be able to work with the way I have this setup or will I have to move everything on to a single belt(per ore, iron on one - copper on the other)
This is the factory completely filled with furnaces and inserters. I still need to activate 3 iron columns and 2 copper ones, but I didn't want to do that if my ratios are off.
And just for a little info regarding productivity, here are my electric and item outputs for the last 10hrsSpoiler6
As you can see, things are working and what not, but I feel like they could be better.If any of what I said up there isn't explained right, let me know and I'll get t